Uses for Butt Stock Tool Kit
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Probably the most important tool in the cleaning kit is the pin punch.(NOTE: Depending on the type of tool kit, this tool may be part of the multi tool). The pin punch is used to push the various pins in and out of the rifle. Most importantly this tool is crucial to dissemble the Bolt, and very helpful in pushing out the 3 main pins in the Fire Control Group. Refer to the Bolt Disassembly tutorial, and Fire Control Group tutorials for more information.

One of the final tools is the tool kit case itself. Located on the case is the locking lever slot. This is used to break free the upper front hand guard latch to remove the gas tube. To use insert the locking lever slot on to the lever and rotate up.

Well, thats it. These are some of the comon uses of the tool kit, and I am sure there are probably a few I did not even think of. Have fun experimenting.
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