- Places to find information - is the best AK site on the net. This site contains mountains of information. Visit the forum and learn just about any thing you want to know about AKs

A site owned by J.A Freeman. Has a good overview of diffrent types of AKs not just from Romania

If you want a complete history lesson and more on the Kalashnikov riflesd then this is your site

Marks page has an excelent guide on building a AK from a kit

Website design by Jon Hurley of

- Places to purchase accessories and ammo -
Awesome site, here you can purchase tons of very cool hard to find AK accesories, including the legendary Kobra site

Red Star Arms deals with upgrading and improving firearms. Maker of the adjustable AK trigger

This sites as just about every thing gun related you can think of. There custmor service is so awsome its scrary!

BlackJack currently sells some of the most advanced rifle buffers on the market.

This place has every thing you can think of concerning military ammuntion and accessories. Has lots of great prices

Go here for some of the best ammo prices on the net!

- Places to buy complete rifles, though you must have a FFL dealer do the purchase -
I recomend buying from here before you do with Century because of the great tech support.

Century International Arms (they are the ones that import the rifles)

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