Meeting started by Bodman456 at 06:03
06:03:44 Topic: Promoting Ubuntu to charitable organisations
06:12:01 IDEA Bodman456 Whip up a Ubuntu or Debian-based distro that comes with a lot of useful software on the disk
06:16:44 ACTION Bodman456 Bodman456 and firtvid20 to work on creating a modified Linux Mint/Ubuntu/Debian distro
06:22:03 VOTE Move on to next topic
06:23:46 VOTE RESULT 3 for, 0 against, 0 abstained. Total: 3
06:24:24 Topic: Running user presentations to promote Ubuntu to desktop users - We prepare, advertise and give a 30minute presentation to 12-24 people at a time. They can bring their own machines. For the remaining time ?1.5 hours, we help them test and hopefully install Ubuntu.
06:38:32 VOTE Test
06:38:54 VOTE RESULT 0 for, 0 against, 1 abstained. Total: 0
06:48:17 VOTE End meeting?
06:50:30 VOTE RESULT 3 for, 1 against, 0 abstained. Total: 2
Meeting ended at 06:50.

People Present:
  1. Bodman456
  2. nisshh
  3. firtvid20
  4. dns53
  5. sagaci
  6. paul_whipp
  7. Blank__