Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-us-tn
[19:03:53] <cyberanger> I'll do it
[19:03:56] <cyberanger> or not
[19:03:58] <cyberanger> lol
[19:04:05] <pace_t_zulu> heh
[19:04:13] <cyberanger> I was pulling the adgenda
[19:04:19] <cyberanger> that's why the delay
[19:04:27] <pace_t_zulu> [topic]Discuss potential change in term limits or protocol for inactivity in Trustee and
[19:04:37] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: let's come back to that
[19:04:38] <pace_t_zulu> no problem
[19:04:59] <cyberanger> we have term limits & nominees on the other issue, should make that quicker
[19:05:22] <pace_t_zulu> netritious: did you want to chime in here?
[19:05:43] <netritious> yes..
[19:06:02] <pace_t_zulu> as per
[19:06:20] <netritious> just wanted to ask everyone if they think the regional POC and Trustee setup has been a good thing for us or have we spent more time than really necessary on it?
[19:06:42] <pace_t_zulu> i agree that it definitely consumes time
[19:07:06] <cyberanger> it has twice
[19:07:17] <netritious> I'm not saying it's a bad thing except for the fact that it has consumed a good deal of time
[19:07:19] <cyberanger> once on baytes & once on binarymutant
[19:07:45] <cyberanger> & the fact the leaders are supposed to hold a leadership meeting, that is supposed to save time
[19:07:52] <netritious> for several meetings it has been a topic.."POC 'x' can no longer be POC so let's get a new POC.." and all that jazz
[19:08:01] <wrst> and on the trustee, and the fact someone is always having to try to chase the missing people down
[19:08:11] <netritious> yep, that too
[19:08:26] <pace_t_zulu> well the trust has been miu for a little while now
[19:08:26] <cyberanger> true on the trustee, but for poc's that's once for binarymutant
[19:08:36] <cyberanger> with baytes stepping down
[19:08:40] <wrst> how 'bout we have the presential succession type of thing but for the loco?
[19:09:37] <cyberanger> how big an issue has this really been
[19:09:57] <cyberanger> & how many meetings have we held without this system
[19:10:24] <netritious> ericG is exactly MIA, but since Jan this year he kind of has
[19:10:29] <cyberanger> 3 meetings before the system
[19:10:31] <netritious> *is not exactly MIA
[19:10:56] <cyberanger> more since
[19:11:11] <cyberanger> yes it's not flawless
[19:11:19] <cyberanger> so what should be changed
[19:11:46] <pace_t_zulu> netritious suggested we have on PoC and be done with it
[19:11:50] <cyberanger> is it a flaw in the system or the people
[19:11:59] <cyberanger> how does that help
[19:12:05] <netritious> yep, I mean if everyone agrees
[19:12:16] <cyberanger> if one poc up & left, we'd be worse than now
[19:12:33] <cyberanger> how does one poc help
[19:12:53] <netritious> how does 3 POC+1 Trustee help?
[19:13:14] <cyberanger> we have held more meetings since we did that, more stable leadership overall
[19:13:26] <cyberanger> people come & go, but not everything shut down
[19:13:34] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: +1
[19:13:45] <pace_t_zulu> we have been more consistent with meetings
[19:13:49] <cyberanger> we had one poc & we were dead for a year or so
[19:13:50] <netritious> ok, I can see your point of view
[19:14:21] <cyberanger> more than consistent, if you toss in the extra in town meetings
[19:14:26] <cyberanger> we've expanded
[19:14:32] <pace_t_zulu> question: are we electing tonight?
[19:14:38] <cyberanger> yes
[19:14:52] <cyberanger> due to term limits, we need to do something in that reguard
[19:14:52] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: our numbers are limited at the moment
[19:15:09] <cyberanger> well, we are supposed to, good point pace_t_zulu
[19:15:16] <pace_t_zulu> so with respect to regional positions...
[19:15:26] <cyberanger> netritious: what do you want to change, whatever is changed
[19:15:35] <netritious> I'm not outright against it at all, I was just wondering if the time could be spent on better things than elecetions
[19:15:40] <pace_t_zulu> we have enough to elect our trustee/PoC
[19:15:41] <cyberanger> there is an idea & a problem, is there a compremise
[19:15:57] <cyberanger> 2 east tn elections within a yearly term
[19:16:20] <cyberanger> more time is spent on wondering where the other two MIA leaders are
[19:16:20] <netritious> oh I'm good..I think I'm a little flustered at the fact that we are still not official after all we've done
[19:16:34] <cyberanger> well, that's all our fault
[19:16:37] <pace_t_zulu> netritious: +1
[19:16:41] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: +1
[19:16:45] <cyberanger> for not taking that to the council to try
[19:16:50] <pace_t_zulu> we do need to make more of an effort
[19:17:03] <cyberanger> & I hope we are remedying that now, based on last meeting
[19:17:07] <pace_t_zulu> with regards to becoming official
[19:17:14] <pace_t_zulu> no one is actually stopping us
[19:17:16] <netritious> but I thought the team were to get the ducks in a row and the Trustee to present to the Council?
[19:17:18] <pace_t_zulu> welcome jfenn2199
[19:17:32] <jfenn2199> hey pace_t_zulu sorry for holding things up
[19:17:49] <pace_t_zulu> jfenn2199: no worries
[19:17:50] <cyberanger> netritious: true, but we have an election tonight so that's not too bad an issue
[19:17:55] <pace_t_zulu> jfenn2199: topic is "Discuss potential change in term limits or protocol for inactivity in Trustee and"
[19:18:03] <cyberanger> also why I asked if w4ett was contacted
[19:18:22] <netritious> cyberanger: good point..I think we should move on if no one objects?
[19:18:48] <cyberanger> netritious: well, I do think your issue is valid, defining when someone is too absent
[19:19:10] <cyberanger> but maybe the new leaders this term can plan that out & present it next month
[19:19:14] <netritious> yes, but that can be addressed with voting on new term limits for the Trustee maybe?
[19:19:23] <chibihogoshino> a month is no contact is to long
[19:19:37] <cyberanger> a month with no knowledge on why
[19:19:44] <pace_t_zulu> if someone goes MIU i don't think they ought to be upset if the #ubuntu-us-tn has moved on upon their return
[19:19:56] <cyberanger> if we know that they are out of town for 3 weeks, assume a delay
[19:20:13] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: the issue is some don't return much
[19:20:16] <wrst> agreed pace_t_zulu i think the big thing is a system of how we do it
[19:20:17] <netritious> I feel like 90 days is reasonable, but then again what about the "stepping down gracefully" issue?
[19:20:20] <cyberanger> or that's how I see it
[19:20:28] <chibihogoshino> if something happens or they have to to out of town its not hard to post to the list
[19:20:35] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: they are welcome when they return... everyone is welcome in here
[19:20:38] <netritious> chibihogoshino: +1
[19:20:40] <cyberanger> that's what I feel, it's a stepping down or informed
[19:20:52] <cyberanger> we've had neither
[19:20:55] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: they need not be upset if the team has moved on in the meantime
[19:21:06] <netritious> pace_t_zulu: +1
[19:21:17] <cyberanger> well, ok
[19:21:25] <pace_t_zulu> they are more than welcome to reintegrate with the team
[19:21:30] <cyberanger> for now, I'll let this rest, see how this term goes
[19:21:55] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: i think we've managed to move on when members go MIU
[19:21:59] <cyberanger> as a leader, there should be a way to be reached
[19:22:11] <cyberanger> well, we have one, only guy to manage the list
[19:22:16] <pace_t_zulu> welcome linuxman410, the topic is "Discuss potential change in term limits or protocol for inactivity in Trustee and"
[19:22:17] <cyberanger> so it's not fully fixed
[19:22:43] <cyberanger> but like I said, I'll give the new term leaders time
[19:22:49] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: are you referring to w4ett?
[19:22:51] <cyberanger> & let this rest & see
[19:22:55] <cyberanger> yes
[19:23:07] <cyberanger> in this case
[19:23:07] <netritious> cyberanger: +1 maybe it's still to early to tell how effective the structure can be
[19:23:18] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger netritious +1
[19:23:38] <pace_t_zulu> ok does anyone else have anything to say on the present topic?
[19:23:54] <jfenn2199> nothing that hasn't been said from me
[19:24:15] <cyberanger> I'm good, let time tell
[19:24:33] <pace_t_zulu> cool
[19:24:47] <pace_t_zulu> so if no one objects we will move on to the next topic
[19:24:52] <cyberanger> [vote] keep things the same, for the time being
[19:25:11] <pace_t_zulu> ok we can vote on this
[19:25:13] <cyberanger> no need to vote on it?
[19:25:35] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: why not... let's make it official
[19:25:36] <pace_t_zulu> [vote] keep things the same, for the time being
[19:25:37] <cyberanger> ok
[19:25:39] <pace_t_zulu> +1
[19:25:40] <cyberanger> +1
[19:25:51] <netritious> +1
[19:25:54] <jfenn2199> +1
[19:25:56] <wrst> +1
[19:26:12] <linuxman410> +1
[19:26:16] <cyberanger> (I figure this meeting agenda is an important one, may as well)
[19:26:20] <pace_t_zulu> is that everyone?
[19:26:22] <chibihogoshino> +1
[19:26:40] <cyberanger> I think 7 is right, correct?
[19:26:46] <pace_t_zulu> [endvote]
[19:26:54] <pace_t_zulu> seems right to me
[19:27:13] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed] keep things the same, for the time being
[19:27:23] <pace_t_zulu> [topic]Vote on Trustee and
[19:27:33] <pace_t_zulu> err
[19:27:45] <pace_t_zulu> [topic]Vote on Trustee and PoCs
[19:27:56] <pace_t_zulu> copy-paste
[19:28:10] <netritious> who was nominated?
[19:28:24] <cyberanger> we have a list
[19:28:27] <netritious> wrst I know, but any one else?
[19:28:32] <cyberanger> I stuck it in my meeting reminder
[19:28:43] <wrst> whoa what did i do?
[19:28:48] <cyberanger> me & wrst for poc with w4ett re-election
[19:28:54] <jfenn2199> wrst, cyberanger, and w4ett(for re-election)
[19:29:20] <cyberanger> (we assumed that people elected could re-run, already nominated by being voted once)
[19:29:21] * wrst readies to read prepared statement
[19:29:24] <pace_t_zulu> so let's go with that
[19:29:28] <pace_t_zulu> trustee
[19:29:35] <netritious> +1
[19:29:57] <cyberanger> note: that's pulled out of last meetings logs
[19:30:02] <cyberanger> so that is accurate
[19:30:03] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: i see that
[19:30:22] <cyberanger> just sharing for anyone that wasn't here & uninformed
[19:30:34] <cyberanger> so....
[19:30:36] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: np
[19:30:41] <cyberanger> how do we do this?
[19:30:45] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: did you want to say something?
[19:30:46] <cyberanger> one at a time vote
[19:30:51] <wrst> ok guys let me just say time is a factor for me
[19:31:01] <pace_t_zulu> wrst: +1
[19:31:03] <wrst> we found out a kid is on the way also
[19:31:17] <wrst> i'm saying that for what i'm nominated for pace_t_zulu but yes on both accounts :)
[19:31:19] <pace_t_zulu> wrst congratulations!!
[19:31:24] <wrst> thanks!
[19:31:29] <cyberanger> congrats
[19:31:36] <jfenn2199> congrats man
[19:31:38] <pace_t_zulu> i was about to say time is a factor for everyone
[19:31:40] <pace_t_zulu> but...
[19:31:54] <cyberanger> how do we vote, pace_t_zulu your chair, you gotta start it
[19:32:00] <cyberanger> one name at a time?
[19:32:01] <netritious> congrats wrst!!!
[19:32:04] <netritious> I think wrst you are saying not interested in the Trustee or POC position?
[19:32:11] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: traditionally we talk about it first
[19:32:16] <pace_t_zulu> if i recall correctly
[19:32:30] <cyberanger> oh, ah, yeah, in the past we did
[19:32:32] <wrst> really i'm not
[19:32:52] <pace_t_zulu> so wrst, it is not inconceivable that you could be a bit MIU when the newborn arrives
[19:32:54] <wrst> i'm honored to be asked but the poc for me would really be out of the question due to geography and that pace_t_zulu is doing a great job there
[19:33:15] <wrst> no not at all... probably not a lot but still time is not on my side the next year or so
[19:33:17] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu is not the trustee
[19:33:23] <wrst> no he is the POC
[19:33:27] <cyberanger> oh, you mean the middle poc
[19:33:31] <wrst> yes
[19:33:51] <cyberanger> gotcha, your also not running for trustee I take it then?
[19:33:58] <cyberanger> same reasons?
[19:34:10] <wrst> yeah really i'm afraid to knowing what's coming up for me
[19:34:17] <pace_t_zulu> seems to me as if we are going to be voting on cyberanger for trustee
[19:34:29] <cyberanger> oI guess
[19:34:35] <wrst> and knowing the issue we have had already i don't want to contribute to the problems
[19:34:51] <pace_t_zulu> wrst: do you object to voting on cyberanger for trustee?
[19:35:09] <wrst> yes, yes i do object ;)
[19:35:17] <wrst> sounds good to me pace_t_zulu
[19:35:39] <pace_t_zulu> anyone else have anything to say before we vote regarding cyberanger as trustee?
[19:36:06] <pace_t_zulu> ...
[19:36:15] <cyberanger> silence is golden
[19:36:16] <netritious> let's do it
[19:36:30] <pace_t_zulu> [vote]cyberanger as trustee
[19:36:32] <wrst> i find it funny we are doing this on election day :)
[19:36:32] <pace_t_zulu> +1
[19:36:37] <wrst> +1
[19:36:40] <pace_t_zulu> wrst: +1
[19:36:50] <chibihogoshino> +1
[19:36:56] <cyberanger> do I have to abstain
[19:36:58] <netritious> +1
[19:37:01] <jfenn2199> +1
[19:37:09] <cyberanger> I think I'm supposed to? or does it matter?
[19:37:10] <linuxman410> +1
[19:37:18] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: your call ... traditionally that is what has happend
[19:37:18] <cyberanger> well, 6 out of 7
[19:37:21] <cyberanger> +0
[19:37:26] <pace_t_zulu> that carries
[19:37:37] <netritious> w00t! Congrats cyberanger!
[19:37:38] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]cyberanger as trustee
[19:37:47] <pace_t_zulu> congrats cyberanger ;)
[19:37:51] <cyberanger> uh, thanks
[19:37:58] <netritious> now get to work! lol
[19:38:02] <cyberanger> I say that in some shock
[19:38:03] <pace_t_zulu> haha
[19:38:04] <jfenn2199> congrats cyberanger
[19:38:10] <cyberanger> netritious: I've got plans
[19:38:16] <cyberanger> so work will be soon
[19:38:34] * wrst realizes even more why he dropped out and why cyberanger is going to do a great job ;)
[19:38:44] <pace_t_zulu> alright... so should we move on to regional PoCs?
[19:38:53] <netritious> sounds good to me
[19:38:55] <cyberanger> jfenn2199: as trustee, I want to get with you on your ubuntu memphis project at a later time
[19:39:05] <cyberanger> west first
[19:39:06] <jfenn2199> sounds good to me cyberanger
[19:39:08] <cyberanger> head east
[19:39:08] <pace_t_zulu> perhaps we should start with everyone identifying which region
[19:39:21] * netritious is West
[19:39:23] <wrst> middle
[19:39:26] <pace_t_zulu> middle
[19:39:29] * jfenn2199 West
[19:39:55] <cyberanger> netritous and jfenn2199 for west tn, ericG is up for re-election (assuming he is eligable still)
[19:40:00] * cyberanger is east
[19:40:30] <cyberanger> [idea] netritous and jfenn2199 are running for west tn, ericG is up for re-election (assuming he is eligable still)
[19:40:55] <pace_t_zulu> so if the two people running are the only two voting...
[19:41:20] <netritious> that does create a conundrum
[19:41:30] <jfenn2199> that it does
[19:41:37] <cyberanger> I don't think so
[19:41:55] <cyberanger> if one is unintrested or all regions vote...?
[19:41:57] <netritious> isn't it the region that votes on who is POC?
[19:42:11] <netritious> of those nominated
[19:42:16] <pace_t_zulu> in the past the region has voted
[19:42:17] <cyberanger> it's a small region & I think you two are the only ones active on IRC nowadays
[19:42:24] * wrst had a hard time remembering his congressional district
[19:42:41] <jfenn2199> well we also have Svpernova09 and Dan9186[MM] from west
[19:42:51] <pace_t_zulu> jfenn2199: they are not present
[19:43:00] <cyberanger> Svpernova09 is west that's right
[19:43:10] <jfenn2199> I know (refering to active in IRC)
[19:43:16] <wrst> west is prob. the fastest growing region
[19:43:18] <cyberanger> Dan9186[MM] I don't think I've gotten to meet him yet
[19:43:38] <cyberanger> east & west grow & shrink like crazy
[19:43:54] <cyberanger> well, are both of you wanting to run
[19:44:00] <cyberanger> that may clear it up?
[19:44:27] <netritious> I would like to really take a crack at being West TN POC
[19:45:01] <jfenn2199> I'm fine with netritious being PoC
[19:45:05] <cyberanger> netritious: with your comments on leadership changes lately, I can see you value your leaders
[19:45:22] <cyberanger> I could see you being a great poc
[19:45:42] <netritious> ty cyberanger..i think jfenn2199 would be good too
[19:45:46] <cyberanger> jfenn2199: I could also you you being great too, that would make it hard for me to choose
[19:45:54] <cyberanger> between you both
[19:45:54] <netritious> I think ericG did a good job while he was able
[19:46:08] <jfenn2199> well if netritious is fine with it we could co-PoC
[19:46:14] <cyberanger> but afaik, he was moveing to middle
[19:46:22] <cyberanger> & then silent for a fair while
[19:46:30] <netritious> yes that's what I heard too (in here in fact)
[19:46:35] <cyberanger> +1
[19:46:49] <netritious> jfenn2199: that's fine..i am good with that
[19:46:53] <pace_t_zulu> so
[19:46:58] <cyberanger> do we have an open vote
[19:47:06] <netritious> no election necessary?
[19:47:11] <cyberanger> MootBot pm'd me saying I already voted
[19:47:17] <netritious> hehe
[19:47:31] <jfenn2199> I don't think we endvote'ed on Trustee
[19:47:39] <pace_t_zulu> [endvote]
[19:47:42] <pace_t_zulu> oops
[19:47:46] <cyberanger> lets vote that it's acceptable to powershare, if solely on for the log
[19:47:54] <pace_t_zulu> sorry guys... dropped the ball there
[19:47:54] <netritious> sure
[19:47:58] <cyberanger> opps
[19:47:59] <netritious> np pace_t_zulu
[19:48:06] <cyberanger> so ...
[19:48:22] <cyberanger> [idea] vote that jfenn2199 & netritious will powershare west tn
[19:48:35] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: who is voting?
[19:48:41] <cyberanger> all
[19:48:43] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: just jfenn2199 and netritious ... right?
[19:48:44] <pace_t_zulu> oh
[19:48:46] <pace_t_zulu> ok
[19:48:55] <wrst> do i need to abstain?
[19:48:59] <netritious> +1
[19:49:00] <cyberanger> since we are voting that the whole loco is ok for a powershare
[19:49:13] <netritious> oh my bad, thought we were voting
[19:49:16] <jfenn2199> I agree with cyberanger
[19:49:28] <wrst> someone just tell me when to vote and what lever to pull
[19:49:46] <pace_t_zulu> [vote]ok with powershare in west tn
[19:49:55] <netritious> +1
[19:50:00] <cyberanger> +
[19:50:00] <jfenn2199> +1
[19:50:05] <cyberanger> +1
[19:50:08] <wrst> +1
[19:50:12] <pace_t_zulu> +1
[19:50:12] <chibihogoshino> +1
[19:50:19] <linuxman410> +!
[19:50:26] <pace_t_zulu> linuxman410: is excited
[19:50:46] <pace_t_zulu> linuxman410: i don't think that vote registered
[19:51:08] <linuxman410> +1
[19:51:13] <pace_t_zulu> [endvote]
[19:51:26] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]ok with powershare in west tn
[19:51:44] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: I meant including jfenn2199 & netritious in that but it works
[19:51:48] <pace_t_zulu> so then only west tn votes on this next item
[19:51:55] <cyberanger> or that works
[19:52:03] <Svpernova09> I'm in west TN :_) Sorry if I'm interupting.
[19:52:10] <pace_t_zulu> Svpernova09: welcome
[19:52:24] <jfenn2199> welcome Svpernova09
[19:52:24] <netritious> Svpernova09: yes, welcome
[19:52:45] <pace_t_zulu> Svpernova09: can you see what just happened?
[19:53:17] <Svpernova09> Yah I believe so.
[19:53:34] <pace_t_zulu> are we going to go ahead and vote on jfenn2199 and netritious powersharing west tn?
[19:53:42] <pace_t_zulu> any objections?
[19:54:06] <pace_t_zulu> [vote]jfenn2199 and netritious powershare west tn PoC
[19:54:18] <pace_t_zulu> +0
[19:54:18] <netritious> +0
[19:54:29] <pace_t_zulu> hmm
[19:54:38] <netritious> oh wait lol
[19:54:39] <netritious> +1
[19:54:44] <wrst> +0
[19:54:47] <jfenn2199> +1
[19:54:48] <cyberanger> +1
[19:54:50] <netritious> well crap
[19:54:56] <pace_t_zulu> sorry netritious
[19:55:15] <netritious> np..not sure why I abstained lol
[19:55:24] <chibihogoshino> +1
[19:55:55] <pace_t_zulu> 7 vots
[19:56:09] <pace_t_zulu> *votes
[19:56:14] <pace_t_zulu> one was private
[19:56:19] <cyberanger> ok, we're good
[19:56:27] <pace_t_zulu> [endvote]
[19:56:43] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]
[19:56:46] <cyberanger> middle tn is...
[19:56:57] <netritious> cool..congrats jfenn2199! :-)
[19:57:03] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]member:jfenn2199 and member:netritious powershare west tn PoC
[19:57:06] <jfenn2199> and congrats netritious
[19:57:16] <pace_t_zulu> congrats jfenn2199 and netritious
[19:57:17] <cyberanger> [idea] Xpistos nominated for middle TN PoC with pace_t_zulu
[19:57:26] <cyberanger> congrats jfenn2199 & netritious
[19:57:39] <cyberanger> that idea was off
[19:57:46] <cyberanger> too litteral cut & paste
[19:57:58] <jfenn2199> well gentlemen I hate to vote and leave but need to get to the grocery store
[19:58:08] <cyberanger> [idea] Xpistos running for middle TN PoC with pace_t_zulu up for re-election
[19:58:09] <netritious> ttyl jfenn2199
[19:58:12] <cyberanger> jfenn2199: cool
[19:58:23] <cyberanger> keep in mind I'll try to reach you later on
[19:58:41] <jfenn2199> see everyone later
[19:58:50] <pace_t_zulu> later jfenn2199
[19:58:52] <jfenn2199> that's fine just hit me up on jabber/gtalk cyberanger
[19:59:00] <cyberanger> I'll email the poc's later to set a leadership meeting
[19:59:18] <cyberanger> well, he'll see that later I suppose
[19:59:26] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: middle tn now?
[19:59:41] <pace_t_zulu> [topic]middle tn PoC
[19:59:55] <cyberanger> you & Xpistos
[20:00:13] <cyberanger> (wrst was two, but stepped down)
[20:01:00] <pace_t_zulu> so...
[20:01:22] <cyberanger> well, is Xpistos here
[20:01:25] * cyberanger looks
[20:01:42] <cyberanger> anyone have a reason pace_t_zulu should not be elected....
[20:01:57] <cyberanger> (formality, not saying I have one pace_t_zulu)
[20:02:00] <wrst> absolutely none
[20:02:08] <netritious> none here either
[20:02:28] <pace_t_zulu> well it is a shame Xpistos isn't here
[20:02:35] <cyberanger> well, I figure since Xpistos isn't here & idk if he wanted to run come to think of it
[20:02:39] <cyberanger> lemme see
[20:03:14] <cyberanger> he wasn't at the meeting he was nominated in
[20:03:28] <pace_t_zulu> hmmm
[20:03:33] <cyberanger> so, I assume all that combinded, that greenlights you
[20:03:53] <cyberanger> [idea] vote pace_t_zulu as the middle tn poc
[20:04:08] <wrst> +1
[20:04:13] <wrst> ohh whoops
[20:04:16] <cyberanger> unless someone sees a reason not to proceed in that direction
[20:04:23] <pace_t_zulu> ...
[20:04:25] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: you gotta start the vote
[20:04:29] <netritious> nope sounds good to me
[20:04:32] <cyberanger> I cannot
[20:04:38] <pace_t_zulu> yes, just wanted to give opposition a chance
[20:04:50] <pace_t_zulu> [vote]pace_t_zulu as middle tn PoC
[20:04:52] <cyberanger> oh, I'm jumping the gun, whoops
[20:04:53] <pace_t_zulu> +0
[20:04:59] <netritious> is it everyone that votes or just the region?
[20:05:03] <wrst> +1
[20:05:25] <cyberanger> I don't see a reason to limit it, as long as no objections crop up
[20:05:31] <netritious> +1
[20:06:02] <cyberanger> I know that does not fit past meetings, but I figure that does fit the idea of vetting the leaders better
[20:06:05] <cyberanger> +1
[20:06:17] <linuxman410> +1
[20:06:24] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: i think it is appropriate given our numbers
[20:06:57] <pace_t_zulu> chibihogoshino Svpernova09 ... who else hasn't voted
[20:07:04] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: good, I thought so too (even if our numbers were bigger, more vetting helps, gets us the cream of the crop to lead (in theroy)
[20:07:08] <chibihogoshino> +1
[20:07:14] <cyberanger> 2 missing
[20:07:17] <pace_t_zulu> ok
[20:07:21] <cyberanger> oh, jfenn left
[20:07:23] <pace_t_zulu> [endvote]
[20:07:24] <cyberanger> one missing
[20:07:32] <cyberanger> who skipped
[20:07:42] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]member:pace_t_zulu as middle tn PoC
[20:07:47] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: i think it was Svpernova09
[20:07:59] <cyberanger> we had 7 before he joined
[20:08:11] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]pace_t_zulu as middle tn PoC
[20:08:12] <cyberanger> & jfenn left, we should still have 6
[20:08:17] <pace_t_zulu> sorry... copy-paste again
[20:08:22] <cyberanger> but I see no issue
[20:08:31] <pace_t_zulu> it wouldn't change the result
[20:08:38] <cyberanger> exactly
[20:08:44] <pace_t_zulu> ok then
[20:08:52] <pace_t_zulu> [topic]east tn PoC
[20:09:09] <pace_t_zulu> [idea]linuxman410 nominated for east TN PoC with cyberanger up for re-election
[20:09:23] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: that list had more names
[20:09:52] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: i am copying from
[20:10:01] <cyberanger> which is incomplete
[20:10:13] <cyberanger> ragonarkangel is also on it
[20:10:16] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: apologies... didn't realize
[20:10:20] <pace_t_zulu> ok...
[20:10:30] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: are you still interested in this position?
[20:10:33] <cyberanger> locobot_4 split, MootBot was slow to post
[20:10:46] <cyberanger> solely if no other option exists
[20:10:54] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: linuxman410 is present
[20:11:06] <pace_t_zulu> ragonarkangel is not present
[20:11:06] <cyberanger> linuxman410: are you willing?
[20:11:10] <wrst> i think linuxman410 would do a good job there
[20:11:19] <pace_t_zulu> wrst: +1
[20:11:32] <linuxman410> yes
[20:11:57] <wrst> linuxman410: just agree to everything you are going to be asked ;)
[20:11:58] <pace_t_zulu> does anyone object to voting linuxman410 as east tn PoC
[20:11:59] <pace_t_zulu> ?
[20:12:23] <wrst> none here
[20:12:42] <netritious> none here
[20:12:44] <cyberanger> fine on my end
[20:12:48] <pace_t_zulu> ok then
[20:13:03] <pace_t_zulu> [vote]linuxman410 as east tn PoC
[20:13:04] <cyberanger> linuxman410: if you need assistance, feel free to ask
[20:13:10] <pace_t_zulu> +1
[20:13:11] <cyberanger> same to any other leader
[20:13:14] <netritious> +1
[20:13:14] <cyberanger> +1
[20:13:22] <wrst> +1
[20:13:27] <linuxman410> +0
[20:13:31] <pace_t_zulu> west tn ... i abstained from y'all when i thought we were just voting by region
[20:13:35] <wrst> he want need assistance i mean look at him he is the linuxman
[20:13:44] <wrst> *won't
[20:13:55] <pace_t_zulu> chibihogoshino:
[20:13:57] <pace_t_zulu> pin
[20:13:58] <cyberanger> wrst: with linux or southeast tn
[20:13:58] <pace_t_zulu> g
[20:14:00] * wrst quits attempts at humor
[20:14:10] <chibihogoshino> =!
[20:14:16] <chibihogoshino> +1
[20:14:33] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: same as last vote
[20:14:33] <pace_t_zulu> [endvote]
[20:14:55] <netritious> congrats linuxman410!
[20:14:56] <pace_t_zulu> [agreed]linuxman410 as east tn PoC
[20:15:02] <pace_t_zulu> congrats linuxman410
[20:15:29] <pace_t_zulu> anyone have anything before we conclude this meeting?
[20:15:40] <netritious> yes
[20:15:46] <cyberanger> congrats linuxman410
[20:15:47] <cyberanger> yes
[20:15:51] <cyberanger> I do
[20:15:56] <linuxman410> thanks
[20:15:58] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: you have the floor
[20:16:15] <netritious> If you are from West TN Memphis area, please consider attending the GOLUM meeting on August 19th... more info
[20:16:31] <cyberanger> poc's, keep an eye on your email, I'll be reaching you to set up our first leadership meeting this term
[20:16:35] <netritious> whooops...sorry about that
[20:16:40] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: will do
[20:16:57] <cyberanger> & if anyone has questions, please ask me or another leader
[20:17:11] <cyberanger> we'll help out where needed
[20:17:13] <pace_t_zulu> any objections to ending this meeting?
[20:17:31] <wrst> :)
[20:17:31] <cyberanger> & finally, I ask that everyone keep up the work from last meeting
[20:17:39] <netritious> ;)
[20:17:40] <wrst> agreed cyberanger
[20:17:46] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger: +1
[20:17:47] <cyberanger> it will help us for getting approved
[20:18:02] <cyberanger> ok, thanks for paticence
[20:18:06] <pace_t_zulu> :)
[20:18:12] <pace_t_zulu> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.