Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-us-tn
[19:07:36] <cyberanger> so I'm here
[19:07:43] <cyberanger> mac9416: is here?
[19:07:51] <cyberanger> Xpistos: is here?
[19:07:56] <cyberanger> who else?
[19:07:56] <Xpistos> Yep
[19:08:22] <mac9416> Here
[19:09:07] <Xpistos> I get the feeling this is going to be a pretty short meeting then?
[19:09:21] <Xpistos> can we have a meeting with three people?
[19:09:39] <mac9416> Xpistos, I've been told that you ca have one with two.
[19:10:19] <cyberanger> we can
[19:10:36] <cyberanger> (weather we should can depend on the item)
[19:11:17] <cyberanger> so we have the poc for east tn, a member from middle tn & a member from west tn
[19:11:33] <cyberanger> so anything regional will be sorta tricky
[19:12:22] * cyberanger is also digging up MootBot's log from the 17th, since I think the wiki is somewhat incomplete
[19:12:40] <mac9416> Y'all think we can deal with agenda item #2 tonight?
[19:12:45] <mac9416> Or at least discuss it?
[19:13:30] <cyberanger> mac9416: possibly
[19:13:48] <wrst> sorry cyberanger i will be in and out probably mostly out
[19:13:53] <wrst> i trust whatever you guys do :)
[19:13:55] <cyberanger> lemme dig up mootbot's log here, I think some items never made it to the wiki
[19:14:00] <cyberanger> wrst: uh thanks
[19:14:15] <cyberanger> wrst: well, I understand
[19:14:38] <wrst> you are welcome i'll be around for a minute or two but thats about it
[19:14:53] <mac9416> wrst, apathy solves nothing. ;-P
[19:15:15] <wrst> but causes no problems... ooooooo the new login looks nice :)
[19:15:23] <mac9416> wrst, kidding, glad you'll be around for a bit. :-)
[19:15:40] <wrst> ha ha sure mac9416 :P
[19:15:48] <cyberanger> Agenda for March 3rd meeting: 1. Report on configuration and administration of mailman 2. Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) launches April 29, 2010 3. plan regional meetings to discuss gatherings/Ubuntu hour 4. Emphasize Regional Boundaries, for Clarity
[19:17:01] <cyberanger> from MootBot's logs of the leadership meeting (which we revised the adgenda for tonight, however any team member can add as needed)
[19:17:18] <cyberanger> so my report on mailman is inconclusive
[19:17:50] <cyberanger> it seems there was an issue with it, but some reported recieving mail from it this month
[19:18:12] <Xpistos> mailman?
[19:18:12] <cyberanger> netritious sent me something via the list & I got it
[19:18:38] <cyberanger> (mailman, the software running our mailing list aka GNU Mailman)
[19:18:56] <cyberanger> I've heard the meeting reminder got to some people
[19:19:09] <cyberanger> anyone here on the list & not getting mail?
[19:19:25] <cyberanger> or only getting some, but not all messages?
[19:19:46] <Xpistos> i did not
[19:20:00] <mac9416> cyberanger, I got the reminder from you... yesterday?
[19:20:22] <cyberanger> mac9416: ok, so is that all you got
[19:20:29] <cyberanger> Xpistos: are you on the list
[19:20:53] <cyberanger> mac9416: there was a few messages between feb 4th & march 4th
[19:20:57] <cyberanger> hey netritious
[19:21:00] <mac9416> cyberanger, I have one from netritious also Mar. 1.
[19:21:04] <mac9416> Hey, netritious
[19:21:07] <netritious> hi cyberanger...sorry I'm late
[19:21:13] <netritious> hey mac9416
[19:21:15] <Xpistos> cyberanger: not sure
[19:21:19] <mac9416> cyberanger, Oh yeah, I've got several within a month.
[19:21:40] <cyberanger> mac9416: so one from me outta at least two & one from netritious (two outta at least two)
[19:21:56] <cyberanger> oh, in that case sounds like mailman maybe ok
[19:22:13] <cyberanger> Xpistos: I'll troubleshoot with you a bit
[19:22:18] <Xpistos> np
[19:22:38] <mac9416> cyberanger, I have a total of three from you and one from netritious.
[19:22:52] <mac9416> cyberanger, since Feb. 25.
[19:23:20] <mac9416> Yep, methinks all is well. :-)
[19:23:25] <cyberanger> mac9416: sounds right then (however I only recall sending two myself, but it is working)
[19:24:21] <mac9416> cyberanger, yeah, the second one on Feb. 25 was identical to the first. 0_o At any rate, I'm not missing anything.,
[19:24:34] <Xpistos> i am trying to calm the baby but i can still read what is going on
[19:24:47] <cyberanger> so here's the status then, "mailman seems to be configured fine, some members seem to have trouble, atm it is likely a spam filter or some other outside factor is at fault. also w4ett afaik has sole control of the list on a team level (there is some higher ups too)
[19:24:51] <cyberanger> "
[19:25:20] <cyberanger> [idea] GNU Mailman Status "mailman seems to be configured fine, some members seem to have trouble, atm it is likely a spam filter or some other outside factor is at fault. also w4ett afaik has sole control of the list on a team level (there is some higher ups too)"
[19:25:38] <cyberanger> hi ppb1701
[19:25:46] <ppb1701> hiya
[19:26:28] <cyberanger> so we have netritious ppb1701 Xpistos & mac9416 here, plus wrst (who's got a bit on his plate)
[19:26:57] <mac9416> 5.5 then. Getting better. :-)
[19:27:08] <cyberanger> well, next on the list is "Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) launches April 29, 2010"
[19:27:32] <cyberanger> so we have one poc here & one more meeting till then
[19:28:08] <cyberanger> I can't drive either, so this topic might be a hassle for the whole state
[19:28:15] <Xpistos> wrst said he is running it now and says he feels it will be a solid relase
[19:28:43] <cyberanger> the point of metioning that was likely a release party
[19:28:54] <wrst> yeah Xpistos i think it will be a good one for this stage its fairly solid
[19:29:12] <cyberanger> brb
[19:29:14] <cyberanger> phone
[19:30:21] <mac9416> While cyberanger is out, I think we should have an insurrection. Who's with me?
[19:30:30] <Xpistos> This is probably the most important release I have been waiting for
[19:30:34] <mac9416> Never mind, I just realized that may be a lot of work.
[19:30:58] <mac9416> Xpistos, I plan on ordering a stack of CDs since it's supposed to be very stable.
[19:31:54] <cyberanger> well that was a friend that some of you know as ruckus777
[19:32:05] <cyberanger> he'll try to join us in a bit if he can
[19:32:26] <cyberanger> mac9416: insurrection?
[19:32:28] <mac9416> Cool.
[19:32:32] <mac9416> cyberanger, Ummm.
[19:32:42] <Xpistos> cyberanger: he thought the better of t
[19:32:43] * mac9416 runs and hides
[19:32:43] <Xpistos> it
[19:32:47] <mac9416> ;-)
[19:33:13] <cyberanger> mac9416: are you talking release party?
[19:33:21] <cyberanger> or am I really clueless
[19:33:34] <mac9416> cyberanger, no, just randomness.
[19:33:57] <mac9416> Flappin' my gums to fill in the lulls.
[19:33:59] <cyberanger> ah, ok
[19:34:24] * cyberanger gives mac9416 some adderall & goes back on topic ;-)
[19:34:30] <Xpistos> thanks
[19:34:50] <mac9416> Haha
[19:35:01] <cyberanger> so we all agree that it's a good release in the works (more or less)
[19:35:11] <Xpistos> I think so
[19:35:29] <mac9416> Yep.
[19:35:45] <cyberanger> should we have a few release parties
[19:36:12] <netritious> been running lucid in a vm for two days now...only errors so far are with qwibber? ..i think that's what it's called...but otherwise seems stable enough for an alpha release
[19:36:34] <Xpistos> gwibber
[19:36:35] <mac9416> netritious, cool. :-)
[19:36:46] <cyberanger> I say a few becuase of the way karmic's party went (while fun) wasn't a huge turnout & I can't drive to nashville (the halfway point) myself
[19:36:55] <Xpistos> LOL. gwibber has errors normally.
[19:37:06] <mac9416> cyberanger, maybe since physical meetups tend to have low attendance we should focus on having a smashing virtual meetup?
[19:37:13] <netritious> Xpistos: that explains it then :)
[19:37:39] <netritious> cyberanger: I won't be doing any long distance driving between now and June myself
[19:37:41] <cyberanger> mac9416: I like that idea, esp. since giving virtual vodka to minors is legal
[19:37:44] <Xpistos> I think we should do LoCo parties for LTS and regional parties for rest
[19:37:52] <Xpistos> this one might be short notice
[19:37:53] <mac9416> cyberanger, yeah.
[19:38:21] <cyberanger> Xpistos: not if all we get is two loco members & two lug members from the host city
[19:38:30] <mac9416> Xpistos, that'd be great, but sorta low membership and even lower attendance makes it hard.
[19:38:46] <Xpistos> true
[19:39:11] <cyberanger> & this is an LTS, only me & ericG showed. we had nashville members say they'd show
[19:39:30] <Xpistos> I know ran into some issues that day
[19:39:40] <Xpistos> I was looking forward to it too
[19:39:44] <cyberanger> Xpistos: I'm not blaming anyone
[19:39:47] <Xpistos> I know
[19:39:54] <mac9416> Evening, ruckus777
[19:39:55] <cyberanger> I am saying there is gaps in plans
[19:39:58] <cyberanger> hey ruckus777
[19:40:12] <Xpistos> hey ruckus777
[19:40:30] <ruckus777> hey
[19:40:33] <cyberanger> so here's what I propose, making the release party more regional
[19:40:40] <ruckus777> can i ask some ?'s now???
[19:40:48] <cyberanger> since lug turnout might make that worthwile
[19:41:17] <cyberanger> ruckus777: if their on topic with the meeting (the one time things arn't laid back here)
[19:41:41] <mac9416> ruckus777, there will be lulls when you can bring up a topic.
[19:41:46] <ruckus777> sorry to interupt i know cyber i am full of ?'s sorry lol
[19:41:58] <cyberanger> we have nlug, knoxlug, chugalug & golum
[19:42:11] <ruckus777> ok all these terms i do not understand but thats ok i will learn
[19:42:21] <Xpistos> It is really called chugalug?
[19:42:22] <cyberanger> ruckus777: it's your first meeting, everyone goofs on their first meeting
[19:42:36] <ruckus777> ok cool
[19:43:02] <ruckus777> i can (but usually dont) be seirous but i like to know some things
[19:43:05] <ppb1701> pretty sure it is yes
[19:43:13] <cyberanger> Xpistos: the CHattanooga Area Linux Users Group
[19:43:16] <cyberanger> chugalug
[19:43:30] <ruckus777> wow thats funny
[19:43:36] * cyberanger is a member, doesn't joke an a great name
[19:43:46] <Xpistos> it is cool as hell
[19:43:52] <mac9416> Great name. Love it.
[19:43:58] <cyberanger> so, how's that sound
[19:44:21] <mac9416> Someone will have to make it happen - send invitations to the LUGs' mailing lists.
[19:44:43] <cyberanger> mac9416: I sent them out to nlug last time, a bit last minute
[19:44:54] <cyberanger> & I'm not from there
[19:45:00] <mac9416> True.
[19:45:01] <cyberanger> I think that's doable
[19:45:09] <Xpistos> I am but I don't go very often
[19:45:44] <mac9416> Well, first we need someone in each region willing to handle the meetup.
[19:45:58] <cyberanger> mac9416: we have poc's
[19:46:06] <mac9416> Then each of those should work to get folks to come.
[19:46:16] <mac9416> But they need to say they're going to do it.
[19:46:26] <cyberanger> & I've got double duty then, since I've got knoxLUG & chugalug in my region
[19:46:35] <Xpistos> mac9416: if you want to take point just tell your poc, who is that ericG in the west?
[19:47:02] <mac9416> Xpistos, yep ericG.
[19:47:10] <ruckus777> hey guys sorry to interupt agin but....
[19:47:15] <cyberanger> mac9416: well, I get your point, but this needs to be an optimist, take charge moment
[19:47:23] <cyberanger> ruckus777: shoot
[19:47:24] <mac9416> Should someone email the mailing list (or just pocs?) and ask who's able to handle a meetup?
[19:47:28] <mac9416> cyberanger, haha
[19:47:30] <ruckus777> i only have till 9:30 with the internet
[19:47:38] <ruckus777> b/c mom gose to work
[19:47:46] <ruckus777> so may i plz have some help
[19:48:14] <ruckus777> like i said before im new tro all this
[19:48:22] <cyberanger> ruckus777: go ahead
[19:48:46] <ruckus777> i am trying to duel in stall linux crangband and ubuntu desk top .....
[19:48:55] <ruckus777> and i am at the partioner noe...
[19:48:57] <ruckus777> and
[19:49:14] <ruckus777> it is saying ....
[19:49:25] <cyberanger> ruckus777: will you be near the phone after 9:30?
[19:49:33] <ruckus777> yes
[19:49:51] <cyberanger> is it a net install or a full cd
[19:49:57] <cyberanger> ?
[19:50:00] <ruckus777> no root file diretory defined
[19:50:08] <ruckus777> full
[19:50:33] <cyberanger> ok, pm me the details & I'll call you if it's after 930
[19:50:45] <cyberanger> /msg cyberanger
[19:50:55] <ruckus777> like i had half way installed desk top on to it and it froze my cd had an error
[19:51:55] <cyberanger> mac9416: if you want point becuase you wounder ericG will be busy, feel free, but I think ericG can do it
[19:52:37] <cyberanger> as for middle, I know pace_t_zulu is recovering from a hassle (understatement, but true)
[19:52:51] <mac9416> cyberanger, I'm just saying we should have someone say "I'm in charge of region X's" release party fairly early on so people can make preparations.
[19:52:54] <cyberanger> but work can be given out, it is a team effort
[19:53:04] <cyberanger> ah, ok
[19:53:45] <cyberanger> well, I can email out to pace_t_zulu & ericG, cover east TN (with work sent out to someone local possibly)
[19:54:05] <mac9416> Cool.
[19:54:21] <pace_t_zulu> Hey guys
[19:54:28] <Xpistos> hey pace_t_zulu
[19:54:30] <ruckus777> hello
[19:54:32] <ppb1701> hi
[19:54:34] <pace_t_zulu> Just realized I'm late
[19:54:35] <mac9416> Hey, pace_t_zulu
[19:54:48] <pace_t_zulu> Got cyberanger's ping
[19:55:12] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: pong recieved
[19:55:25] <pace_t_zulu> I'll get out my machine
[19:55:26] <cyberanger> we're discussing release parties atm
[19:56:39] <cyberanger> do you wanna head up a nashville meet
[19:57:24] <Xpistos> i guess that was a no?
[19:57:32] <netritious> I hate to leave in the middle of a meeting especially after coming in late, but I feel like crap and going to hit the hay...catch you guys tomorrow
[19:57:40] <cyberanger> nope, that was a switch pc's
[19:57:45] <cyberanger> see ya netritious
[19:57:48] <cyberanger> it happens
[19:57:51] <Xpistos> by netritious
[19:57:51] <netritious> l8r everyone
[19:57:57] <ppb1701> cya
[19:57:57] <cyberanger> lucky this is a light meeting
[19:58:13] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: can you head up a nashville meeting
[19:58:25] <pace_t_zulu> i certainly can
[19:58:41] <mac9416> :-D
[19:58:48] <pace_t_zulu> Xpistos, you want to meet up somewhere near downtown?
[19:58:50] <Xpistos> pace_t_zulu: I will be able to help you out with this one too
[19:59:01] <Xpistos> pace_t_zulu: I think that will be good
[19:59:02] <pace_t_zulu> who else here right now is middle tn?
[19:59:07] <Xpistos> you and me
[19:59:07] <mac9416> pace_t_zulu, we talked about inviting LUGs. You may want to do that.
[19:59:18] <pace_t_zulu> J & J 's is great
[19:59:29] <Xpistos> isn't that where we did it last time?
[19:59:32] <pace_t_zulu> they have wifi coffee and beer on tap
[19:59:34] <pace_t_zulu> yeah
[20:00:27] <Xpistos> 1912 Broadway, that should be good
[20:01:12] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: J&J's has been the nashville 2600 spot for awhile, indeed a good choice
[20:01:37] <pace_t_zulu> we have no affiliation with 2600
[20:01:44] <Xpistos> 2600?
[20:02:22] <Xpistos> I got it
[20:02:33] <pace_t_zulu> anyway
[20:02:41] <cyberanger> pace_t_zulu: I know, I'm just saying that's why I know the place
[20:02:48] <cyberanger> it's a cool place
[20:03:29] <pace_t_zulu> cyberanger, i was just making an official statement ;)
[20:03:37] <pace_t_zulu> or unofficial
[20:03:38] <cyberanger> also not far from the karmic release party site
[20:03:43] <Xpistos> I am down with JJ
[20:03:58] <cyberanger> ah, yes linux is not a hacking OS, gotcha
[20:04:08] <Xpistos> with it bing an LTS maybe we can get some press coverage
[20:04:25] <pace_t_zulu> i hear lucid just got a new theme
[20:04:31] <Xpistos> purple?
[20:04:32] <cyberanger> well, mac9416 middle & east is covered
[20:04:45] <mac9416> cyberanger, awesome. Now just gotta talk to ericG.
[20:04:47] <cyberanger> what do you want me todo for west tn
[20:04:58] <cyberanger> sounds cool
[20:05:00] <mac9416> Email ericG if you would.
[20:05:05] <cyberanger> sure
[20:05:05] <mac9416> :-)
[20:05:08] <mac9416> ty
[20:05:44] <mac9416> So now we have two confirmed meetings and one confirmed location.
[20:05:51] <mac9416> That'll give folks something to plan on.
[20:05:54] <cyberanger> knoxville guys, I got family up there, but I myself am not too local, do you got a local spot in mind
[20:06:43] <Xpistos> pace_t_zulu: are we shooting for april 29 meet up (thursday)
[20:06:54] <cyberanger> well, we likely got two spots (chugalug seems to use the same spot over & over but I'm thinking on that a bit)
[20:09:58] <cyberanger> so...
[20:10:05] <cyberanger> make this regional
[20:10:28] <cyberanger> I think
[20:10:59] <mac9416> I think that makes the most sense.
[20:11:29] <cyberanger> so in that case, next item
[20:12:06] <cyberanger> plan regional meetings in irc to better plan local gatherings (such as ubuntu hour)
[20:12:37] <cyberanger> who here is clueless as to their region?
[20:13:06] <Xpistos> ubuntu hour is what i am waiting for
[20:14:09] <cyberanger> ok, who here is from east tn
[20:14:18] <ppb1701> me
[20:14:22] <Xpistos> pace_t_zulu: are you thinking about doing something
[20:14:32] <Xpistos> pace_t_zulu: for ubuntu hour
[20:14:47] <cyberanger> ppb1701: do you watch the mailing list
[20:15:44] <ppb1701> sorta I've seen only one make it thru to my mailbox
[20:15:56] <Xpistos> okay guys I got to get something to eat. pace_t_zulu I will get with you tomorrow about ubuntu hour and what we can do for the release party
[20:16:08] <cyberanger> Xpistos: that works
[20:16:38] <cyberanger> ppb1701: can you be on here on monday at 7pm EST
[20:16:49] <cyberanger> give or take
[20:17:38] <ppb1701> probably, unless i get stuck at work
[20:17:49] <cyberanger> ppb1701: what time is good then
[20:18:15] <cyberanger> (I get stuck too, but things are flexable atm for me)
[20:18:23] <cyberanger> within the next two weeks
[20:18:39] <ppb1701> 8-830 would be better for me
[20:26:58] <pace_t_zulu> sorry i was afk for a bit
[21:47:51] <ruckus777> hel;lo??/
[21:47:54] <ppb1701> hi
[21:48:36] <ruckus777> hey guys my internet went off thats why i have not been on mom let me have iot while she was at work
[21:48:55] <ruckus777> or whioe she oiis at work 3rd shoft
[21:50:05] <ruckus777> RANGER
[21:50:08] <ruckus777> !!!!
[21:51:11] <ruckus777> hello??? anyone???
[21:51:15] <ppb1701> hi
[21:51:19] <ruckus777> lol
[21:54:14] <ruckus777> do you think u could help me if the meeting is over
[21:55:28] <ruckus777> hello
[21:55:37] <ruckus777> ???
[21:56:11] <ppb1701> sorry multi tasking, and maybe, depends on what it is, relatively new a lot of this stuff
[21:57:03] <ruckus777> well do you know #!
[21:57:46] <ppb1701> know what?
[21:57:54] <ruckus777> crunch bang??
[21:58:16] <ruckus777> its a distro of ubuntu linux
[21:58:50] <ppb1701> not messed with that one, but what's it doing?
[21:59:02] <ruckus777> well...
[21:59:20] <ruckus777> i just installed desktop U like rsanger told me to
[21:59:44] <ruckus777> by the command sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
[22:00:04] <ppb1701> ok
[22:00:06] <ruckus777> and it installed and i dont know how to get to it
[22:01:02] <ruckus777> he said that is called a single install like run desk top through crunch bang
[22:01:58] <ruckus777> just wongering is anyone else here
[22:02:24] <ppb1701> well i'm not sure if it'd do the same there but i acciden't got kubuntu desktop once and when i loaded ubuntu desktop back i had to log out and back in for it to find it
[22:03:55] <ruckus777> ok well i restarted me computer already and have not logged in yet once i do log in how do i get to it from there
[22:06:04] <ppb1701> it just loaded it on log in, i didn't have to do anything that i recall
[22:06:59] <ruckus777> ok i think i got it i did run progrgam and put ubuntu-desktop i think it is working
[22:08:47] <ppb1701> cool
[22:09:10] <ruckus777> om it is doing the upgrade i think thats right i sure hope so cross your fingers lol
[22:10:44] <ppb1701> heh
[22:10:56] <ppb1701> hopefully it will behave :)
[22:15:58] <ruckus777> its still updating
[22:20:54] <ppb1701> maybe it found the kernel update that popped up today or yestterday
[22:25:36] <ruckus777> it is installind 9.10 is that desktop or cranch bang do you know???
[22:27:37] <ppb1701> that sounds like desktop went out and snatched karmics packages at least for it's stuff
[22:28:26] <ruckus777> ok well it got the packets and now its insytalling them
[22:33:35] <jfenn2199> Good evening all how'd the meeting go?
[23:46:03] <chris4585> this is neat
[23:46:38] <chris4585> f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again.
[00:24:18] <chris4585> so it looks like 10.04 will be purple, awesome
[00:25:30] <chris4585> or I guess they're thinking about it
[01:15:58] <cyberanger> [endmeeting
[01:16:00] <cyberanger> [endmeeting]
[01:16:38] <cyberanger> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.