Meeting started by pace_t_zulu at 19:00
19:00:54 Topic: Ubuntu 10.10 mascot is Maverick Meerkat
19:01:54 IDEA pace_t_zulu officially endorse meerkat by vote
19:02:26 VOTE ubuntu-us-tn officially endorses the Maverick Meerkat
19:06:34 VOTE RESULT 4 for, 0 against, 1 abstained. Total: 4
19:07:01 AGREED pace_t_zulu ubuntu-us-tn officially endorses the Maverick Meerkat
19:07:05 ACTION pace_t_zulu ubuntu-us-tn officially endorses the Maverick Meerkat
19:07:22 Topic: Discuss possible changes to logo to match new Ubuntu branding
19:07:24 IDEA cyberanger knoxville's release party for lucid is may 8th, chattanooga's is pending, will try to replan if possible, in 4 months east tn will plan more release parties for maverick meerkat
19:07:32 LINK pace_t_zulu
19:30:31 IDEA pace_t_zulu vote to ratify the CoF logo with official ubuntu-orange
19:40:17 IDEA pace_t_zulu ratify #ffffff #dd3a21 #003c7c (white orange blue) as official team colors for ubuntu-us-tn
19:44:50 VOTE #ffffff #dd3a21 #003c7c (white orange blue) as official team colors for ubuntu-us-tn
19:49:09 VOTE RESULT 3 for, 0 against, 1 abstained. Total: 3
19:49:28 AGREED pace_t_zulu #ffffff #dd3a21 #003c7c (white orange blue) as official team colors for ubuntu-us-tn
19:49:38 ACTION pace_t_zulu #ffffff #dd3a21 #003c7c (white orange blue) as official team colors for ubuntu-us-tn
Meeting ended at 20:02.

People Present:
  1. mac9416
  2. cyberanger
  3. pace_t_zulu
  4. wrst
  5. Xpistos|work
  6. mac9416_
  7. Xpistos|afk
  8. chibihogoshino