Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[10:01:05] <skaet> Thank you to everyone for the hard work over the last week to get those bugs fixed, and the beta 1 release out!
[10:01:05] <skaet> Today is intended to just be a quick meeting to touch base and figure out if we have any issues.
[10:01:05] <skaet> Leads:
[10:01:05] <skaet> - Format will be quick round table.
[10:01:05] <skaet> - Please share any status you have already prepared, but we're all
[10:01:08] <skaet> still assessing where we are post release, so don't stress if
[10:01:10] <skaet> nothing is ready.
[10:01:12] <skaet> - please just highlight:
[10:01:14] <skaet> - any help you need from other teams, or blockers
[10:01:16] <skaet> - any issues you are particularly worried about
[10:01:18] <skaet> for the release.
[10:01:20] <skaet> ..
[10:01:22] <skaet> questions?
[10:01:52] <skaet> [TOPIC] Natty Release Schedule:
[10:01:53] <skaet> Beta 1 freeze - was left as is on 3/24 - hard freeze
[10:01:53] <skaet> Beta 1 release - 3/31
[10:01:53] <skaet> Archive open for final bug fixes and FFEs 4/1 ->4/11 (at UTC 09:00)
[10:01:53] <skaet> Beta 2 freeze - 4/11 (at UTC 09:00 ) - hard freeze
[10:01:53] <skaet> Beta 2 release - 4/14
[10:01:55] <skaet> Kernel freeze - 4/14
[10:01:57] <skaet> Main/Seeded Final Freeze 14 days (4/14->4/28)
[10:01:59] <skaet> Unseeded Universe/Multiverse Freeze - 4/26 (at UTC 12:00)
[10:02:01] <skaet> Unseeded Universe/Multiverse Final Freeze - 2 days (4/26->4/28)
[10:02:03] <skaet> Natty release 4/28
[10:02:05] <skaet> Oneiric archive setup for development 4/29
[10:02:09] <skaet>
[10:02:11] <skaet> has been updated.
[10:02:27] <Daviey> None here's
[10:02:41] <victorp> o/
[10:03:00] <skaet> victorp, go
[10:03:16] * skaet trying to figure out what None here's means from Daviey...
[10:03:17] <victorp> just wanted to say I am here
[10:03:26] <skaet> ah, ok.
[10:03:28] <skaet> cool
[10:03:34] <victorp> I thought he meant noone was here :)
[10:03:52] <MrChrisDruif> What?
[10:03:52] <Daviey> (typo. Sorry)
[10:04:26] <skaet> anyone have concerns about the schedule for remaining month?
[10:04:40] <skaet> or questions?
[10:05:04] <pitti> looks fine to me
[10:05:14] <skaet> ok.
[10:05:35] <skaet> will let folks have a chance to comment at the end, and lets move on to the round tables.
[10:05:56] <skaet> [Topic] QA team update - jibel
[10:06:08] <jibel> hi
[10:06:26] <MrChrisDruif> Hai jibel
[10:06:31] <skaet> hi
[10:06:54] <jibel> Natty Beta-1 Work Items
[10:06:54] <jibel>
[10:06:54] <jibel> hggdh still blocked due to lack of working UEC since after Alpha 2. Blocked on Critical bug
[10:07:04] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 746751 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel: [Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR 38d is 30)" [Critical,New]
[10:07:26] <jibel> * Natty boot regression report
[10:07:26] <jibel>
[10:07:36] <jibel> New bug reports:
[10:07:36] <jibel>
[10:07:36] <jibel>
[10:07:37] <Daviey> Hmm. Is this up to date?
[10:07:38] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 745252 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201011-6750 boots 12.49 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:07:52] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 745256 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7164 boots 6.68 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:08:15] <jibel> Daviey, you mean blocked on 746751 ?
[10:08:20] <jibel> hggdh, ? ^
[10:08:26] <Daviey> Yes.
[10:09:59] <jibel> Daviey, lets continue with boot regression reports and hggdh will reply once he's here
[10:10:13] * skaet nods
[10:10:47] <jibel> New bug reports then:
[10:10:50] <jibel>
[10:10:50] <jibel>
[10:10:57] <jibel>
[10:10:58] <jibel>
[10:11:00] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 745257 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7174 boots 28.63 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:11:29] <jibel> * QA Dashboard
[10:11:29] <jibel>
[10:11:30] <jibel> linux, unity, compiz, software-center are in both last day and last 7 days top 5
[10:11:43] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 745266 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7183 boots 4.28 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:11:44] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 745274 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7184 boots 12.90 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:11:45] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 745276 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7185 boots 23.39 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:11:59] <jibel> * Testing status:
[10:11:59] <jibel> Desktop Automated Testing results
[10:11:59] <jibel>
[10:12:10] <jibel> 2D: 79% pass
[10:12:10] <jibel> Unity: 76% pass
[10:12:10] <jibel> List of bugs found is at the bottom of page.
[10:12:27] <jibel> lots of false positive, I'll do a review next week.
[10:12:37] <jibel> Server Automated Testing results
[10:12:37] <jibel>
[10:12:37] <jibel> 0 failures
[10:12:49] <jibel> Desktop and Alternate Image Testing results
[10:12:49] <jibel>
[10:12:49] <jibel> Alternate test failures under investigation (test times out, need to be reproduce locally)
[10:13:04] <jibel> but obviously it passed iso testing.
[10:13:16] <jibel> Automatic Upgrade Testing
[10:13:16] <jibel>
[10:13:28] <jibel> * mythubuntu has a udevadm crash during the upgrade this is why the post-upgradet test fails
[10:13:28] <jibel> * python-all has some python import failures, but they look like false positives mostly, mvo will dig into that
[10:13:36] <jibel> * bug 744831: main-all has a file overwrite problem with the langpacks that is fix-commited
[10:13:37] <jibel> * and bug 746978 , a failure in ant-gcj (memory corruption) that looks nasty
[10:13:38] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 744831 in language-pack-as (Ubuntu Natty) "file overwrite error on upgrade from maverick -> natty" [High,Fix committed]
[10:13:40] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 746978 in gcj-4.4 (Ubuntu Natty) "maverick -> natty upgrade post inst failure: gcj-dbtool-4.4 assert failure: *** glibc detected *** gcj-dbtool-4.4: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x09ed18e0 ***" [High,Confirmed]
[10:13:55] <jibel> NVIDIA Unity Testing
[10:13:55] <jibel> * Nvidia drivers Unity testing
[10:13:55] <jibel>
[10:14:22] <jibel> And last but not least
[10:14:28] <jibel> Natty Beta 1 ISO Testing
[10:14:33] <jibel> 62 contributors have provided 449 results and covered 278 testcases
[10:14:42] <jibel> * Image Coverage : 100.00% (76/76)
[10:14:42] <jibel> * Mandatory Test Cases : 99.57% (233/234)
[10:14:42] <jibel> * Run Once Test Cases : 93.18% (41/44)
[10:14:47] <jibel> * Overall : 98.56% (274/278)
[10:14:53] <jibel> Failures summary
[10:15:00] <jibel> * 84 bugs have been reported affecting a total of 90 test cases.
[10:15:01] <jibel> * 61 test cases failed.
[10:15:01] <jibel> * Failure Rate: 22.26% (61/274)
[10:15:13] <jibel> full report available at
[10:15:23] <jibel> ..
[10:15:30] <skaet> Thanks jibel!!
[10:15:52] <skaet> excellent data there, I'll be digesting it and asking questions over next couple of days.
[10:16:24] <skaet> Thanks to all folks that helped out with the testing!
[10:16:30] <skaet> impressive stats.
[10:16:36] <skaet> any one have specific questions?
[10:16:56] <cjwatson> the udevadm crash may be the same one ScottK noticed in a server upgrade?
[10:17:01] <cjwatson> (it was a bit opaque to me ...)
[10:17:22] <ScottK> Let me know if there's anything I can provide that would help.
[10:19:17] * skaet figures jibel's doing some cross checking, and will move on and let him reply later
[10:19:36] <skaet> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - victorp
[10:19:47] <victorp> here we go!
[10:19:48] <victorp> Weekly Testing notes:
[10:19:48] <victorp> *********************************************************************
[10:19:48] <victorp> * Certification lab is currently full, lab hw has been ordered for expansion.
[10:19:48] <victorp> Weekly testing report:
[10:19:48] <victorp> [LINK]
[10:19:49] <victorp> Some issues:
[10:19:51] <victorp> * The bug about the Tecra R700 not suspending/resuming properly is
[10:19:54] <victorp> still outstanding:
[10:19:57] <victorp> [LINK]
[10:19:59] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 708286 in linux (Ubuntu) "Resume after suspend not working - Toshiba Tecra R700" [Undecided,New]
[10:20:01] <victorp> * Some Lenovo laptops are freezing during install from the network, but will install normally with other installation media
[10:20:04] <victorp> * Checkbox is failing to submit results on some system, investigation ongoing
[10:20:06] <victorp> **********************************************************************
[10:20:08] <victorp> ..
[10:20:17] <cjwatson> ScottK: thanks
[10:20:22] <skaet> thanks victorp!
[10:20:28] <skaet> question?
[10:20:45] <victorp> skaet, btw - next week we will be doing a full run using beta1
[10:20:48] <skaet> how did the results look from testing beta 1?
[10:20:52] <skaet> heh
[10:21:00] <skaet> what did the sniff tests show?
[10:21:20] <skaet> any concerns?
[10:21:24] <victorp> that is what was on the link
[10:21:40] <victorp> it will take us 1/2 weeks to finish a full run including manual test
[10:21:54] <victorp> so that will be the update for next week
[10:22:24] <skaet> ok, can I ask you send the information out to the leads, as soon as results are in?
[10:22:29] * hggdh is in now
[10:22:47] * skaet doesn't want to loose a couple of days of fixing time waiting for meeting.
[10:23:32] <skaet> victorp, ^ ??
[10:23:40] <victorp> skaet, sure
[10:23:48] <skaet> thanks!
[10:23:59] <victorp> skaet, any bugs will be raised as we test
[10:24:19] <skaet> [ACTION] victorp to broadcast hardware cert results as soon as finish runs.
[10:24:47] <skaet> thanks victorp, please flag me directly any you're particularily worried about, as they emerge.
[10:24:52] <skaet> :)
[10:25:03] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:25:18] <skaet> [Topic] Security team update - jdstrand
[10:25:50] * skaet looks around and doesn't see jdstrand,....
[10:25:54] <skaet> moving on
[10:25:59] <skaet> [Topic] Kernel team update - ogasawara
[10:26:02] <ogasawara> Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:
[10:26:03] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:26:03] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:26:03] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:26:14] <ogasawara> The single beta-2 work item we have is not release critical and should move to completion upon apw's return. We just uploaded the linux-2.6.38-8.40 kernel which pulls in the latest stable updates. We've also packaged and uploaded linux-backports-modules-2.6.38 which contains an updated igb driver. With Kernel Freeze on the horizon, I only anticipate 1-2 more uploads beyond what we have now.
[10:26:35] <ogasawara> An update on the bugs noted in the agenda is as follows:
[10:26:42] <ogasawara> #539467 SATA alpm is now disabled in userspace, possible fix for Nvidia mcp65 controllers when in minimal power mode has been tested with positive feedback; Those still experiencing issues but with a different controller have been instructed to file new bugs.
[10:26:42] <ogasawara> #542660 testing with v2.6.38 final still problematic, needs further investigation.
[10:26:42] <ogasawara> #625364 some comments indicate this has been resolved with a recent kernel update. Still waiting confirmation from the original bug reporter. Other subscribers/reporters may have a slightly different issue and confirmed that switching to vt1 and back on suspend mitigates the issue. Looking at using the pm-utils quirks for those machine;
[10:26:44] <ogasawara> #630748 iwlwifi driver is now split and Intel affirms 802.11n should work. iwl3945 is no longer supported and will never have a functional 802.11n mode. iwlagn 802.11n disablement has been removed from module-init-tools. I'd consider this bug closed.
[10:26:48] <ogasawara> #707353 Fix released in linux-firmware-1.49.
[10:26:50] <ogasawara> #712075 partial fix in place, testing requested with 2.6.38 final kernel;
[10:26:54] <ogasawara> #634487 Kernel dev able to reproduce, currently under further investigation.
[10:27:17] <ogasawara> Questions?
[10:27:18] <ogasawara> ..
[10:27:27] <skaet> Thanks ogasawara!
[10:27:38] <skaet> what is the status on:
[10:27:39] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 746751 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel: [Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR 38d is 30)" [Critical,New]
[10:28:05] <hggdh> skaet: we went as far as we could; currently blocked again
[10:28:49] <skaet> thanks hggdh.
[10:28:50] <ogasawara> skaet: hrm, this is the first I've seen of this, will have to investigate
[10:28:54] <tgardner> skaet, looks ugly.
[10:29:09] <tgardner> ogasawara, its only 18 hours old
[10:29:48] <skaet> ogasawara, tgardner - thanks! wanted to make sure it was on the radar.
[10:29:49] <tgardner> I'll see if I can get jjohansen to look at it.
[10:30:05] <skaet> sounds good.
[10:30:11] <skaet> any other questions for the kernel team?
[10:30:26] <skaet> [Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson
[10:31:29] <cjwatson> Apologies for short update, I've been hiding in a cave for the last two days working on bug 742967 (nearly done).
[10:31:31] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 742967 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) "Natty Wubi grub prompt on install" [High,In progress]
[10:31:32] <cjwatson> ISO testing bugs had a few general themes:
[10:31:34] <cjwatson> - Lots of people reported language pack installation problems (collected in bug 741304, fix committed).
[10:31:37] <cjwatson> - There have been a variety of reports of problems with selecting keyboard layouts.
[10:31:40] <cjwatson> - It turns out that the partner repository was unintentionally enabled by default by a change early in Natty.
[10:31:43] <cjwatson> - There are a handful of workflow problems around the new automatic partitioning system.
[10:31:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 741304 in OEM Priority Project "Language packs are not being installed for selected languages during oem-config" [High,New]
[10:31:46] <cjwatson> - Various upgrade issues, which I confess I haven't yet looked into and am trusting mvo to be on top of. :-)
[10:32:20] <cjwatson> Oh, and I think the brokenness of iSCSI is down to us to fix.
[10:32:26] <cjwatson> ..
[10:32:33] <skaet> Thanks cjwatson!
[10:32:47] <skaet> good summary - that was what I was looking to understand.
[10:32:55] <cjwatson> this ISO testing round was actually not too bad, I thought.
[10:33:05] <cjwatson> (I've seen worse)
[10:33:54] <robbiew> (me too)
[10:33:55] <ScottK> Did wubi get sorted or is it still broken?
[10:34:14] <cjwatson> it's still broken but I've figured out the problem
[10:34:18] <ScottK> Cool.
[10:34:35] <cjwatson> the 'loopback' command in grub leaves a dangling freed pointer around if you call it twice
[10:34:52] <ScottK> Nice.
[10:34:56] <skaet> cjwatson, all, thanks for that perspective. ;-)
[10:35:10] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:35:26] <skaet> [Topic] Server team update - Daviey
[10:36:22] <Daviey> I have nothing significant to report... bug 717166 should be fixed, which is waiting for extending testing results
[10:36:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [Critical,Triaged]
[10:36:47] <Daviey> The bugs coming in post beta1 are slow, which could indicate success.. or, as i suspect, lack of wide spread testing.
[10:36:58] <Daviey> However, the test cases we have - look positive.
[10:37:10] <Daviey> ...
[10:37:14] <ScottK> Getting early testing with server is always hard.
[10:37:16] <skaet> thanks Daviey?
[10:37:43] <skaet> what is out look on UEC getting working again?
[10:41:15] <skaet> hmm, will let Daviey come back to us later then, and move on.
[10:41:31] <skaet> [Topic] Desktop team update - pitti
[10:41:32] <hggdh> skaet: right now I would say depends on what is found for bug 746751; what we found yesterday was the 717166 was fixed, but the vast majority of instances failed to start due to the new bug
[10:41:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 746751 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel: [Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR 38d is 30)" [Critical,In progress]
[10:41:48] <pitti> General status:
[10:41:51] <pitti> * unity a11y: Now defaults to the classic GNOME session for the a11y profiles which need screen reading; this means the remaining Unity a11y issues are now out of the critical path.
[10:41:53] <pitti> * No major incoming bug wave from beta-1 for us yet -- usually that hits us on Monday (most users wait for the weekend)
[10:42:00] <pitti> Blueprint implementation:
[10:42:02] <pitti> * On track for entire cycle
[10:42:03] <Daviey> skaet, It is currently looking positive
[10:42:04] <pitti> * Some beta-1 WIs were left; important ones moved to beta-2, opportunistic stuff postponed to oneiric
[10:42:06] <pitti> * Remaining work for Natty:
[10:42:07] <Daviey> hggdh, raised some concerns about the EBS feature
[10:42:07] <Daviey> but it's too early to indicate
[10:42:08] <pitti> * [packageselection-desktop-n-firefox-4] Some remaining porting to xulrunner-2.0/webkit
[10:42:09] <Daviey> we had really good intiial success, based on unoffical packages (which are now in the archive)
[10:42:10] <pitti> * Some remaining upgrade migration for deprecated applets
[10:42:12] <pitti> * Various "test that this works", discuss user testing
[10:42:12] <Daviey> (sorry, interwebs are playing up at the moment)
[10:42:20] <pitti> RC bugs:
[10:42:22] <pitti> * No blockers, nothing major to point out
[10:42:38] <pitti> ..
[10:42:48] <skaet> Thanks pitti
[10:42:57] <skaet> yup Daviey we see you, just delayed
[10:43:17] <Daviey> skaet, sorry, i'm suffering on my internet connection at the moment.
[10:43:17] <skaet> thanks hggdh.
[10:43:32] * skaet nods - have been there
[10:43:41] <skaet> no worries
[10:44:24] <skaet> Things look good for now then, from desktop perspective - nice to know pitti.
[10:44:25] <skaet> Thanks!
[10:44:30] <skaet> any questions?
[10:44:32] <pitti> skaet: well, wait until Monday :)
[10:44:44] <skaet> yup
[10:44:45] <pitti> skaet: but today's unity upload was a major improvement
[10:44:55] <pitti> no crashes any more \o/
[10:44:59] * skaet looking forward to trying it out this afternoon.
[10:45:14] <skaet> no more crashes.... ?? fingers crossed.
[10:45:15] <ogra_> pfft, unity-2d is stable since weeks :P
[10:45:21] <skaet> lol
[10:45:39] <skaet> [Topic] Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover
[10:45:41] <pitti> but in 2d, all bugs are flat
[10:45:46] <joshuahoover> [LINK]
[10:45:47] <ogra_> lol
[10:45:55] <joshuahoover> details on where we're at with our natty work and releases are in the link above
[10:46:02] <joshuahoover> we have a UI related FFE for the u1 music store (libubuntuone) that came up yesterday & needs approval: bug #733327 - i sent emails to both doc and translator lists and haven't heard any objections so far - code should be landing today or monday...not sure if this falls within the doc string freeze on april 7th or ui freeze, so we filed it just in case
[10:46:04] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 733327 in libubuntuone "[UI FFE] Notify user of missing MP3 support" [High,In progress]
[10:46:24] <joshuahoover> the list of bugs we're working on currently can be found in the link i posted earlier...all are on target for the beta2 milestone...our desktop+ team is having a sprint next week & the focus is on landing these fixes
[10:46:29] <joshuahoover> and that's it for this week for u1 - questions?
[10:46:29] <joshuahoover> --
[10:46:35] <skaet> thanks joshuahoover !
[10:46:51] <skaet> and thanks for taking care of the UI related FFE communication proactively.
[10:47:33] <skaet> I'll digest the link info after.... best wishes for bugs being closed at the sprint.
[10:47:49] <skaet> if no questions, I'll move on.....
[10:48:00] <skaet> [Topic] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell
[10:48:02] <ScottK> Riddell doesn't seem to be around today.
[10:48:05] <ScottK> * Kubuntu had a generally very good Beta 1, there are a few issues:
[10:48:05] <ScottK> - Need to sort out why Kubuntu Mobile images failed to start on armel
[10:48:05] <ScottK> - Some stability issues on armel to investigate
[10:48:05] <ScottK> - No powerpc images booted (global problem TheMuso is working)
[10:48:05] <ScottK> * Major pre-Beta 2 concerns
[10:48:07] <ScottK> - Need to finish the GL/GLES transition on armel (blocked on Avogadro, WIP)
[10:48:09] <ScottK> - Need to work with ubuntu-arm to see if we can still stand up the mx.51 and
[10:48:12] <ScottK> n900 images we'd hoped to get this cycle
[10:48:16] <ScottK> ..
[10:48:32] <skaet> thanks for stepping in ScottK!
[10:49:18] <skaet> good summary, answered what I was looking to understand.
[10:49:23] <skaet> any one have questions?
[10:49:42] <skaet> [Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth
[10:49:57] <dbarth_> hi
[10:50:01] <dbarth_> for the usual report
[10:50:05] <dbarth_> the summary of it being
[10:50:19] <dbarth_> 84 bug fixes on unity this week, and 13 on foundations packages
[10:50:25] <dbarth_> ffes:
[10:50:27] <skaet> !! :)
[10:50:40] <dbarth_> a11y for places is being postponed to an sru or ppa
[10:50:56] <dbarth_> scrollbar is in, thanks to the release team understanding
[10:51:15] <dbarth_> MT related ffes for the mt stack and unity itself are being discussed
[10:51:42] <dbarth_> and we're still receiving small last minute ui change requests, identified with
[10:51:44] <dbarth_> ..
[10:51:56] <skaet> thanks dbarth_ !
[10:52:30] <skaet> are you blocked on any other teams in any way? or all good?
[10:52:39] <dbarth_> btw, new release of unity uploaded today; compiz will follow on monday
[10:52:51] <dbarth_> not really blocked
[10:53:17] <skaet> just lots of bugs to work through... :) nice job swatting those 84 down.
[10:53:27] <dbarth_> mostly working our way through ffe requests and potential mt dependencies
[10:53:29] <dbarth_> right
[10:53:32] <dbarth_> thanks
[10:53:46] <skaet> any other questions for dbarth_ ?
[10:54:00] <skaet> [Topic] ARM team update - ogra
[10:54:05] <ogra_> me !
[10:54:08] <skaet> :)
[10:54:20] <ogra_> i didnt prepare the wiki today, sorry for that
[10:54:23] <ogra_> but ...
[10:54:25] <ogra_> Bugs we focus on for b2:
[10:54:25] <ogra_> Bug 747247 needs a main promotion of files that were split out from jasper-initramfs (sorry, massive oversight here, that should have happened earlier)
[10:54:25] <ogra_> 746133 was forwarded to TI, it is the re-occurence of a maverick bug, possibly caused by using the same HDMI driver in natty now
[10:54:26] <ogra_> 746137 page allocation failures on panda are currently being researched.
[10:54:27] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 747247 in ti-omap4-software-channel (Ubuntu Natty) "No TI icon in favorites on omap4 netbook images" [High,New]
[10:54:28] <ogra_> Bugs that definitely will need uploads:
[10:54:30] <ogra_> for 746023 we are waiting for alsa-lib and pulseaudio patches from TI which should arrive early next week.
[10:54:33] <ogra_> there is no solution for Bug 633227 in sight, though it would be good to have it fixed for natty, it seems to not be reproducable on all boards.
[10:54:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 633227 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Natty) "instabilities with highmem activated" [High,Confirmed]
[10:54:36] <ogra_> unity 2d buglist for beta2:
[10:54:38] <ogra_>
[10:54:56] <ogra_> and on a sidenote, mono was fixed by NCommander (who deserves a medal for countelss debugging hours)
[10:54:57] <ogra_> ..
[10:55:19] <skaet> Thanks ogra_ ! (and thanks NCommander for that mono fix!)
[10:56:03] <skaet> ogra_, could you please retarget bugs that aren't likely at this stage to be fixed for Natty to Oneiric, so we can keep track of them, and make sure we can get them into release notes.
[10:56:16] <ogra_> skaet, i thought i did that already
[10:56:31] <ogra_> (retargeting)
[10:56:31] <skaet> ogra_, if you've done that already. cool.
[10:56:50] * skaet still has to do detailed pass....
[10:57:02] <skaet> thanks
[10:57:24] <skaet> any questions for ogra_ ?
[10:58:11] <skaet> [Topic] MOTU team update - ScottK
[10:58:17] <ScottK> Hello.
[10:58:23] <ScottK> Nothing major to report.
[10:58:44] <ScottK> The big Universe/Multiverse issue for beta 1 was Flash borkage on amd64
[10:58:57] <ScottK> It's been fixed with another ia32-libs upload.
[10:59:11] <ScottK> Still need work on closing out NBS and fixing FTBFS.
[10:59:15] <ScottK> ..
[10:59:24] <skaet> Thanks ScottK!
[10:59:53] <skaet> glad the flash has been fixed.
[11:00:02] <skaet> any one have questions?
[11:00:13] <skaet> [Topic] Linaro update - JamieBennett
[11:00:17] <ScottK> I find the amount of dependence on flash and is32-libs somewhat amusing.
[11:00:26] <JamieBennett> Beta released yesterday :)
[11:00:38] <skaet> :)
[11:00:54] <JamieBennett> some good testing done, we have a few Panda issues with our kernel but nothing major
[11:01:07] <JamieBennett> As for intersections, nothing to report this week
[11:01:08] <JamieBennett> ..
[11:01:21] <skaet> Thanks JamieBennett
[11:01:36] <skaet> any questions?
[11:01:46] <skaet> [Topic] any other kudos/comments/questions?
[11:02:28] <hggdh> skaet: do you want to go back to UEC?
[11:02:36] <skaet> yes please
[11:02:40] <hggdh> OK
[11:03:09] <skaet> what's still outstanding? and is there help needed to get it working?
[11:03:25] <hggdh> yesterday we tested for 717166, which was blocking us completely. We had found the issue with Eucalyptus help; It seems indeed fixed
[11:04:13] <hggdh> but almost immediately we were hit by the issue on 746751 -- with hallyn's help we sort of zeroed in a kernel issue
[11:04:37] <hggdh> this indeed blocks us, no instances succeed
[11:04:59] <hggdh> additionally, there is a doubt on EBS usage -- but we cannot test because 746751 blocks us
[11:05:01] <hggdh> ..
[11:05:13] <skaet> thanks for the summary. ok, so kernel team now has it on radar. good.
[11:05:47] <skaet> or at least as good as we can be until it gets fixed. :/
[11:05:51] <skaet> thank you.
[11:05:57] <hggdh> you are welcome
[11:06:05] <skaet> any other questions? or things overlooked?
[11:06:25] <skaet> ok, will end now then...
[11:06:28] <ScottK> Does that bug block all UEC usage or just on the hardware you happen to have?
[11:07:00] * skaet will wait for hggdh, or Daviey to answer before ending
[11:07:06] <hggdh> ScottK: I very much suspect it is tied to the hardware, but is all I have; incidentally, this is a common hardware in the wide world
[11:07:23] <ScottK> Sure. I'm not trying to minimize the problem.
[11:07:54] <hggdh> ScottK: oh I know that, but is *is* a good question, and I was actually starting to add it anyways :-)
[11:07:56] <ScottK> It sounds like though, getting access to alternate hardware might be a way to get unblocked while the kernel issue is sorted.
[11:08:07] <ScottK> skaet: ^^^
[11:08:16] <hggdh> I agree
[11:08:37] * ScottK is done.
[11:08:47] * hggdh is also done
[11:08:49] <skaet> ScottK, hggdh, will work with robbiew about it offline then, and see if we can find some options.
[11:08:54] <skaet> thanks!
[11:09:01] <skaet> and on that note...
[11:09:06] <skaet> Thanks jibel, victorp, hggdh, cjwatson, ogasawara, tgardner, pitti, Daviey, joshuahoover, ScottK, dbarth_, ogra_, JamieBennett
[11:09:09] <skaet> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.