Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[10:01:15] <cjwatson> dear wiki, stop 500ing when I'm trying to read you
[10:01:37] <skaet> [Topic] Natty overview - skaet_
[10:01:38] <skaet> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.
[10:01:38] <skaet> .
[10:01:38] <skaet> Agenda is at:
[10:01:38] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:01:39] <skaet> .
[10:01:41] <skaet> User Interface Freeze and Beta Freeze came into effect March 24th (at 2300 UTC ), so now on the focus is on getting the Beta images ready for the wider audiences!
[10:01:44] <skaet> .
[10:01:46] <skaet> Awesome progress on closing out some of those high/critical bugs over the last week! By my count - over 65 of the bugs we were monitoring for the release moved into a resolved state. :) Thanks to all involved!!
[10:01:49] <skaet> .
[10:01:51] <skaet> As of 2011/03/24 bugs for Natty that are are targetted for fixing were broken down as follows:
[10:01:53] <skaet> * kernel: linux: 7 drivers: 5
[10:01:55] <skaet> * foundations: 19
[10:01:57] <skaet> * server: 6
[10:01:59] <skaet> * desktop: 14
[10:02:01] <skaet> * ubuntuone: 2
[10:02:03] <skaet> * kubuntu: 6
[10:02:07] <skaet> * desktop experience: 26
[10:02:09] <skaet> * arm: 9
[10:02:11] <skaet> .
[10:02:13] <skaet> This is still up from where we were with maverick, so appreciate the continued focus on it.
[10:02:15] <skaet> .
[10:02:17] <skaet> Milestoned bugs for beta 1 can be found:
[10:02:19] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:02:21] <skaet> Bugs targetted for this release can be found:
[10:02:23] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:02:25] <skaet> .
[10:02:27] <skaet> Note that the renaming of beta to beta-1 caused some links to become inaccurate. If you spot any that are broken, please let me know.
[10:02:29] <skaet> .
[10:02:32] <skaet> Upcoming Significant Dates:
[10:02:36] <skaet> Beta 1 Release is March 31st. :)
[10:02:38] <skaet> .
[10:02:40] <skaet> Freeze windows for beta 2 and the final images are still under discussion, but we'll likely be going with Scott's recommendations for the back part of the cycle (and staying in beta freeze for now). If no one has further comments by end of day today, I'll go ahead and broadcast out the revised freeze dates on ubuntu-release mail list for those interested.
[10:02:45] <skaet> .
[10:02:47] <skaet> questions?
[10:02:49] <skaet> ..
[10:02:53] <skaet> any general questions about the release before we go into the round table?
[10:03:20] * skaet is hoping we have a working IRC channel today...
[10:04:13] <skaet> marjo, are you able to see this?
[10:04:24] <marjo> skaet: yes, looks fine on my end
[10:04:43] <skaet> great thanks,
[10:04:53] <skaet> lets head into round table then if no questions.
[10:05:03] <skaet> [Topic] QA team update - marjo
[10:05:10] <marjo> hi folks
[10:05:14] <marjo> * Natty Beta 1 Work Items
[10:05:14] <marjo> Natty Beta-1 Work Items
[10:05:14] <marjo>
[10:05:14] <marjo> hggdh still blocked due to lack of working UEC since after Alpha 2. Blocked on Critical bug 717166
[10:05:14] <marjo>
[10:05:14] <marjo> All done. Thanks to primes2h and ara for their work on this.
[10:05:16] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [Critical,Triaged]
[10:05:39] <marjo> * Natty boot regression report
[10:05:40] <marjo>
[10:05:40] <marjo> Bug reports will be submitted by bdmurray
[10:05:49] <marjo> sorry wrong link
[10:06:19] <marjo>
[10:06:33] <marjo> * Natty Blocking bugs
[10:06:33] <marjo> bug 717166
[10:06:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [Critical,Triaged]
[10:06:51] <marjo> * QA Dashboard
[10:06:51] <marjo>
[10:06:51] <marjo> Note linux, unity, ubiquity and firefox are all in both the "Last Day" and "Last 7 Days" metrics.
[10:07:11] <marjo> * Testing status:
[10:07:11] <marjo> Desktop Automated Testing results
[10:07:11] <marjo>
[10:07:11] <marjo> List of bugs found is at the bottom of page.
[10:07:11] <marjo> Server Automated Testing results
[10:07:11] <marjo>
[10:07:13] <marjo> 1 test failed. hggdh will investigate.
[10:07:15] <marjo> Desktop and Alternate Image Testing results
[10:07:17] <marjo>
[10:07:19] <marjo> Desktop tests are currently disabled. Alternates pass.
[10:07:29] <marjo> jibel is investigating failures on desktop images
[10:07:49] <marjo> Automatic Upgrade Testing
[10:07:50] <marjo> 1 test failed.
[10:07:50] <marjo> sudo problem that causes the post-upgrade test to fail is fixed, but not yet in the archive, due to the freeze. Once its in, it should make all but main-all and python-all green.
[10:07:50] <marjo> Thanks to IS team for the bigger harddisk that enables the additional python-all test
[10:08:19] <marjo> * Nvidia drivers Unity testing
[10:08:20] <marjo>
[10:08:20] <marjo> * 34 different nVidia graphics cards have been tested
[10:08:20] <marjo> * 20 bug reports have been submitted; 3 are high importance
[10:08:25] <marjo> ..
[10:08:33] <skaet> Thanks Marjo!
[10:08:45] <skaet> How did the ubiquity bug day go yestereday?
[10:10:17] <marjo> skaet: will get you stats on that
[10:10:23] <skaet> thanks marjo. :)
[10:10:32] <skaet> any one else have questions for marjo?
[10:10:52] <skaet> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - victorp
[10:11:40] * skaet looks around for victorp or ara
[10:12:26] <skaet> hmm... ok, lets move on and circle back to hardware cert at the end
[10:12:37] <skaet> [Topic] Security team update - jdstrand
[10:13:01] <jdstrand> hi
[10:13:05] <skaet> :)
[10:13:09] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:13:11] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:13:21] <jdstrand> All work items tied to the release process are completed.
[10:13:25] <skaet> sweet
[10:13:35] <jdstrand> (though we have several remaining)
[10:13:44] <jdstrand> In terms of milestoned bugs, after talking with pitti and doko, micahg is planning on fixing bug #663294 by rebuilding with gcc-4.4. We fixed several others (see the above report). As usual, team has been focusing primarily on stable release updates.
[10:13:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 663294 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "Firefox built with gcc-4.5 is a non-starter on i386 with -pie" [Medium,Triaged]
[10:13:57] <jdstrand> Dealt with various FTBFS due to multiarch fallout. Members of my team have come across this several times already. Is there a plan to ensure buildability for supported packages? Is the archive going to be rebuilt?
[10:14:01] <jdstrand> ..
[10:14:18] <skaet> thanks jdstrand
[10:14:38] <skaet> we need to get the plans for the multiarch fleshed out, and work with slangasek on that
[10:14:51] <skaet> expect it to be the subject of discussion at UDS ;)
[10:15:02] <jdstrand> well
[10:15:21] <jdstrand> it needs to be worked out prior to then, at least in terms of building from source
[10:15:37] <jdstrand> otherwise my team won't be able to effectively update packages in natty stable
[10:15:50] <cjwatson> I think we have a test rebuild due ...
[10:16:16] <skaet> [action] slangasek, jdstrand, skaet work through update packages issue for natty stable.
[10:16:37] <jdstrand> cjwatson: is that part of the release interlock or you saying "yeah, we need to do that"
[10:16:52] <cjwatson> I can't find the dates, but I was under the impression that it was scheduled
[10:16:57] <cjwatson> I'll need to check with doko though
[10:16:58] <jdstrand> ok cool
[10:17:13] <jdstrand> skaet: care to add doko to that action?
[10:17:21] <skaet> will do
[10:17:48] <jdstrand> that's it from me
[10:18:05] <skaet> Thanks for bringing up the issue.
[10:18:11] * jdstrand nods
[10:18:18] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:18:21] <marjo> o/
[10:18:33] <skaet> go marjo
[10:18:41] <marjo>
[10:18:41] <marjo> Low level of activity, but some people weren't using the bug day wiki page for some reason. bdmurray will investigate.
[10:18:46] <marjo> ..
[10:18:51] <skaet> thanks.
[10:19:04] <skaet> will follow up with you offline.
[10:19:08] <skaet> [Topic] Kernel team update - ogasawara
[10:19:10] <marjo> skaet: ack
[10:19:11] <ogasawara> Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:
[10:19:11] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:19:11] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:19:11] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:19:22] <ogasawara> The remaining ubuntu-11.04-beta milestone work items are not critical to the release and should start to move to completion within the next week. The Natty distro kernel is now at v2.6.38-7.38 however we still need to upload v2.6.38-7.39 which is a no-change upload to rebuild against the new compiler update. This will require a beta freeze exception which I've already notified skaet about. Beyond this we do not anticipat
[10:19:22] <ogasawara> e any further uploads of the kernel until after Beta. We continue to track the upstream stable v2.6.38.y kernel as we move forward and have recently rebased to upstream stable v2.6.38.1 which will be in the first post Beta upload.
[10:19:47] <ogasawara> Of the bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, status is as follows:
[10:19:55] <ogasawara> #539467 SATA alpm is now disabled in userspace, possible fix for Nvidia mcp65 controllers when in minimal power mode has been tested with positive feedback;
[10:19:55] <ogasawara> #542660 testing with v2.6.38 final still problematic, needs further investigation.
[10:19:55] <ogasawara> #625364 looks possible to work around using a pm-utils quirk;
[10:19:55] <ogasawara> #630748 remains waiting on Intel for updated wireless firmware;
[10:19:55] <ogasawara> #634487 workaround exists, but proper fix still needs investiagion.
[10:19:56] <ogasawara> #707353 Fix released in linux-firmware-1.49.
[10:19:58] <ogasawara> #712075 partial fix in place, testing requested with 2.6.38 final kernel;
[10:20:23] <ogasawara> Questions?
[10:20:24] <ogasawara> ..
[10:20:38] <skaet> Thanks ogasawara!
[10:20:57] * skaet looks around...
[10:21:08] <skaet> [Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson
[10:21:47] <cjwatson> Lots of good bug progress this week. That mad plymouth segfault should be dead, Michael fixed sudo upgrades, Surbhi fixed RAID1 boot degraded mode, and we landed the changes to avoid involving vesafb in the boot process unless we have to (which is huge for text-free boot, and has apparently made a significant dent in the visible bug flow).
[10:21:52] <cjwatson> Surbhi is making good progress on converting the initramfs to Upstart, although this is for Oneiric.
[10:21:55] <cjwatson> We do still have several high-priority bugs open for beta-1:
[10:21:57] <cjwatson> * 671016: Alejandra Obregon has offered to help design this landing page. It may slip beyond beta-1, though.
[10:22:01] <cjwatson> * 728611: I can't reproduce this on my test systems so far, so will take more effort
[10:22:04] <cjwatson> * 730759: under discussion with MIR team
[10:22:06] <cjwatson> * 736111: if this is going to be fixed, I think it may need to be a workaround by the ARM team
[10:22:09] <cjwatson> * 739400, 739489: uncertain of status, but these were recently filed by Evan and assigned to himself so I assume he's on top of them
[10:22:13] <cjwatson> * 737603: active discussion between James and Steve - I'm not clear on whether openjdk-6 actually needs to change here, or whether it's all in libjna-java
[10:22:16] <cjwatson> The count is still fairly significant, but I'm pretty sanguine about our state at the moment.
[10:22:19] <cjwatson> Working on rolling out data.tar.xz and orig.tar.xz support in Launchpad. We're nearly there.
[10:22:22] <cjwatson> ..
[10:22:38] <skaet> thanks cjwatson
[10:22:58] <skaet> In your mind, we'll finally be good for WUBI testing again with beta?
[10:23:22] * skaet thinks all the blockers are gone, but wants to double check.
[10:23:23] <cjwatson> I think so, though there are still a few odd bugs lurking
[10:23:58] * skaet nods
[10:24:00] <cjwatson> bug 741859 came up yesterday evening and I don't understand it
[10:24:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 741859 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "natty wubi install shows grub shell after update" [Undecided,New]
[10:24:13] <cjwatson> so, yeah, work required
[10:24:33] <skaet> fair enough for this part of the cycle.
[10:24:46] <skaet> nice work on getting so many of the bugs closed last week. :)
[10:24:51] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:25:15] <skaet> [Topic] Server team update - zul
[10:25:23] <zul> Hi
[10:25:23] <zul> We are behind the trend line for beta-1, but we have been busy. Ill be poking people to update their specs. Also we added an auberienge color scheme and the ubuntu command line. Bugs that have been nominated are the following:
[10:25:24] <zul> Outstanding bugs:
[10:25:34] <zul> Outstanding bugs:
[10:25:34] <zul> 561779 - squid - squid is not started on runlevel transition 1 -> 2.
[10:25:35] <zul> * need to update upstart relatively easy to do.
[10:25:35] <zul> 727286 - libvirt - apparmor is blocking libvirt-bin from accessing folders in "/
[10:25:35] <zul> * Fixed already in natty.
[10:25:35] <zul> 733914 - autofs5 - autofs races network interfaces, ends up not working
[10:25:37] <zul> * Upstart job needs to be updated and tested.
[10:25:39] <zul> 728088 - debian-installer - iscsi root (amd64) with or without auth fails to boot
[10:25:41] <zul> * Assigned to the canonical foundations team
[10:25:43] <zul> Ongoing bugs:
[10:25:45] <zul> 697753 - eucalyptus - bittorrrent recomendations prevents demotion
[10:25:47] <zul> * still pending upload
[10:25:49] <zul> 717166 - Eucalyptus - Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty
[10:25:51] <zul> * still ongoing testing and debugging
[10:25:53] <zul> 580319 - dhcp3-server launches before upstart brings all interface, thus failing to start
[10:25:55] <zul> Assigned to JamesHunt
[10:25:57] <zul> 727342 - FE for open-vm-tools kernel module
[10:25:59] <zul> * test
[10:26:03] <zul> New bugs:
[10:26:05] <zul> 726769 - eucalyptus - Eucalytpus failed to install
[10:26:07] <zul> 735017 - php-fpm failed to install if /var/www doesnt exist.
[10:26:28] <zul> i just noticed 726769 so Ill get Daviey to work on it and the php-fpm bug is a known bug that has already been fixed in debian we just have to cherry pick the fix
[10:26:37] <zul> ...
[10:26:41] <jdstrand> zul: I fixed bug #727286 last week. not sure why it is still on your list
[10:26:42] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 727286 in libvirt (Ubuntu Natty) "apparmor is blocking libvirt-bin from accessing folders in "/"" [Low,Fix released]
[10:26:54] <skaet> thanks zul!
[10:26:58] <zul> jdstrand: yeah i noticed this morning as well thanks!
[10:27:29] <zul> i suspect alot of these bugs will be fixed after the beta
[10:27:32] <skaet> re: 727342, I thought that Daviey tested it and was good with it?
[10:27:46] * skaet hopes zul's right ;)
[10:27:59] <zul> the open-vm-tools one? i thought serge was still asking for testers
[10:28:09] <skaet> yeah, that's the one.
[10:28:16] <zul> ill double check
[10:28:16] <skaet> ok, we'll look into it more offline then.
[10:28:21] <skaet> thanks
[10:28:25] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:28:39] <skaet> [Topic] Desktop team update - pitti
[10:28:45] <pitti> General status:
[10:28:47] <pitti> * We made great progress with eliminating the old xulrunner-1.9.2 and also xulrunner-2.0 from main, as these are now pretty much unsupportable after the recently announced changes for Firefox' release schedule. Bug 740815 coordinates the work, still some things to do post-b1
[10:28:49] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 740815 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Updates to enable us to drop xulrunner from main" [High,In progress]
[10:28:49] <pitti> * New natty langpacks will be uploaded Sunday evening. Firefox search plugins will be back.
[10:28:51] <pitti> * i386 CD oversized by 5 MB; that will be rectified by fresh langpacks, and eliminating some egl packages which we currently pull in through libcairo. We need to split out the GL backend, as it causes ridiculous memory leaks with the NVidia driver, and is only required for wayland.
[10:28:53] <pitti> Blueprint implementation:
[10:28:55] <pitti> * On track for entire cycle
[10:28:57] <pitti> * Remaining work for Natty:
[10:28:59] <pitti> * unity a11y: We decided to give this one more week after beta (i. e. one release cycle), and if it's not good enough by then, we'll default to the classic GNOME session for the a11y profiles which need screen reading
[10:29:01] <pitti> * Some remaining porting to xulrunner-2.0/webkit (see above)
[10:29:03] <pitti> * Some remaining upgrade migration for deprecated applets
[10:29:05] <pitti> * Various "test that this works", discuss user testing
[10:29:07] <pitti> RC bugs:
[10:29:09] <pitti> * as usual, on
[10:29:11] <pitti> * For the ones we can't realistically fixed we now got contingency plans and workarounds, so we should make some good progress there right after b1 (maybe some fixes can still slip in)
[10:29:13] <pitti> ..
[10:29:28] <skaet> Thanks pitti!
[10:29:58] <pitti> sorry for the FFE rush for xulrunner, but we'll go insane if we don't do it
[10:30:17] <pitti> (that hit us pretty unexpectedly..)
[10:30:44] <jdstrand> pitti: thanks for working on it :)
[10:31:01] <skaet> understood, it happens. will look into your contingency plans for the rcbugs offline and get back to you.
[10:31:26] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:31:46] <skaet> [Topic] Ubuntu One Team - Chipaca or joshuahoover
[10:32:47] * skaet looks for Chipaca_ ?
[10:33:20] <Chipaca_> I'm afraid I haven't done my homework this week; the status page will be updated next week
[10:33:21] <skaet> hmm, something must have happened, will circle back at end then.
[10:33:37] <Chipaca_> that's
[10:33:37] <skaet> ok
[10:33:55] <Chipaca_> on the FFE front, bindwood is pretty much done, yay :)
[10:33:58] <skaet> Thanks, please send me a ping when I can look at it then.
[10:33:58] <Chipaca_> ..
[10:34:00] <Chipaca_> (sorry)
[10:34:48] <skaet> Thanks Chipaca_ will get with you off line. Can you please update this agenda with your comments after you get the summary figured out?
[10:35:13] <Chipaca_> skaet: sure. Actually I'll get joshua to do it :)
[10:35:27] <skaet> [ACTION] Chipaca_/Joshua to add ubuntu one summary directly to 2011-03-25 agenda status page.
[10:35:29] <skaet> :)
[10:35:31] <skaet> thanks!
[10:35:39] <skaet> any questions?
[10:35:49] <skaet> [Topic] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell
[10:35:52] <Riddell> hi
[10:35:59] <skaet> :)
[10:36:04] <Riddell> * CDs in decent shape for beta
[10:36:04] <Riddell> * switching Qt to opengles on ARM means fixes needed to packages which use opengl, workaround in progress. I've also been helping linaro folks package kwin for opengles
[10:36:07] <Riddell> * Qt security fix for Comono fake SSL certificates in natty
[10:36:10] <Riddell> * Qt accessibility bridge in ppa:jr if anyone wants to test
[10:36:13] <Riddell> * KDE SC 4.6.2 due out the Tuesday after Beta 1
[10:36:15] <Riddell> * 10 bugs milestoned for beta
[10:37:09] <skaet> ..?
[10:37:11] <Riddell> ..
[10:37:17] <skaet> :) Thanks.
[10:37:41] <skaet> of the 6 bugs called out in the agenda, do they actively have someone working them, or are they in limbo.
[10:37:55] <victorp> skaet - when is the release meeting?
[10:37:55] * skaet hasn't dug into each individually yet this week...
[10:37:59] <Riddell> skaet: actually I don't know how to list those 6 bugs
[10:38:17] <skaet> Riddell, ok, I'll get with you offline.
[10:38:43] <skaet> and see if we can figure out how to get an effective summary from both sides, prob. after beta -1 though ;)
[10:38:57] <skaet> victorp, started 40 minutes ago.
[10:39:18] <skaet> victorp, we'll call on you after the rest of the round table, ok?
[10:39:38] <skaet> any other questions for Riddell?
[10:40:00] <skaet> Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth
[10:40:03] <dbarth_> hi
[10:40:08] <skaet> :)
[10:40:10] <dbarth_> status report at:
[10:40:20] <dbarth_> some ffe news first
[10:40:43] <dbarth_> overlay scrollbar and multitouch integration are done and "green lighted"
[10:40:57] <dbarth_> we're blocked on a11y for places, trying to scope that down to just support alt-f2
[10:41:06] <dbarth_> (pitti was also mentioning it earlier)
[10:41:11] * skaet nods
[10:41:15] <dbarth_> 2 new small FFEs for MT apps (see report)
[10:41:35] <dbarth_> for the rest, nice bug fix counters for both unity shell and foundations
[10:41:43] <pitti> dbarth_: oh, did sabdfl ack the scrollbar FFE? I didn't see that on the bug
[10:41:54] <dbarth_> not yet
[10:42:02] <dbarth_> Yet another batch of 60 bugs fixed this week! - see - including
[10:42:04] <dbarth_> numerous crashers for compiz, its decorator, unity, nux or places
[10:42:04] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 3 in Launchpad itself "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released]
[10:42:05] <dbarth_> lots of UI tweaks, like a nice search progress signal
[10:42:11] <dbarth_> ?!
[10:42:20] <dbarth_> and
[10:42:24] <dbarth_> 20 bugs fixed in Foundations this week, including
[10:42:25] <dbarth_> a lot more fixes for places, including a nasty crasher 737396
[10:42:27] <dbarth_> desktop menu update from Ted 692194
[10:42:28] <dbarth_> improvements in the ayatana-scrollbar 728418 and whitelist support 740276
[10:42:33] <dbarth_> ..
[10:42:42] <pitti> dbarth_: for a11y, my most recent knowledge is that Luke should test b1, and if it's not good enough, we'll use classic for profiles with screen reading?
[10:43:01] <dbarth_> b1 doesn't contain anything that can make alt-f2 work for him
[10:43:28] <dbarth_> we're trying to propose a patch on monday, but that won't go into the images anyway
[10:43:39] <dbarth_> after monday, we should drop the feature if we can't make it work
[10:44:23] <dbarth_> other questions?
[10:44:50] <skaet> ok. will work with you around tuesday to make sure we've got the release notes appropriate for this release.
[10:45:09] <dbarth_> sure
[10:45:13] <skaet> btw - Thanks dbarth_! awesome job on all those bug fixes getting in this week.
[10:45:30] <dbarth_> i'll pass that on to the team, thanks; they we're really on fire on wednesday night!
[10:45:35] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:45:44] <dbarth_> (were)
[10:45:52] <skaet> dbarth_, yes, they were, and it was much appreciated. :)
[10:46:30] <skaet> [Topic] ARM team update - ogra
[10:46:36] * ogra_ waves
[10:46:38] <ogra_> Status is at:
[10:46:38] <ogra_> [LINK]
[10:46:38] <ogra_> ..
[10:46:38] <ogra_> Summary:
[10:46:40] <ogra_> * OMAP4 TI kernel has HDMI support again (image builds need to change boot cmdline before beta for this)
[10:46:44] <ogra_> * PowerVR SGX drivers ported to .38 and already available at the TI PPA
[10:46:46] <ogra_> * unity-2d was updated to the latest release (3.8) with about 60 bugs fixed.
[10:46:47] <ogra_> * Mono ARM research is going on, NCommander thinks he has a workaround for the identified SMP issues on ARM with mono.
[10:46:51] <ogra_> * ARM specific FTBFS list for main only has KDE packages left.
[10:46:53] <ogra_> ..
[10:46:54] <ogra_> Image status:
[10:46:57] <ogra_> * Netbook images are currently broken, waiting for the archive to settle
[10:46:58] <ogra_> * New headless/serial image works fine but is broken due to new kernel upload atm.
[10:47:01] <ogra_> ..
[10:47:02] <ogra_> Specs:
[10:47:05] <ogra_> Entire status:
[10:47:07] <ogra_> Milestone:
[10:47:12] <ogra_> ..
[10:47:13] <ogra_> Bugs:
[10:47:16] <ogra_> * 619981
[10:47:18] <ogra_> * 721531
[10:47:19] <ogra_> * 633227
[10:47:22] <ogra_> ..
[10:48:31] * skaet notes that ogra's separators are the same as .. for end. not sure if he's done?
[10:48:38] <ogra_> heh
[10:48:54] <ogra_> should i use two separators at the end of my paste in the future ?
[10:48:56] <ogra_> :)
[10:48:57] <ogra_> ..
[10:49:02] <skaet> Thanks ogra! does it look like we'll be able to resolve all the ARM FTBFS for KDE by monday?
[10:49:28] <skaet> yup, 2 separators would work. :)
[10:49:30] <ogra_> not sure, the gles bits seem to require some bigger changes for some apps
[10:50:20] <skaet> ok, what about the 9 bugs on the agenda?
[10:50:21] <ogra_> but i think not all apps that ftbfs are on the images
[10:50:53] <ogra_> i will look over them, some shouldnt be milestoned at all
[10:51:25] <skaet> ok, please do.
[10:51:25] <ogra_> bug 728335 seems to not be arm related
[10:51:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 728335 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu Natty) "No visual feedback on the splashscreen during jasper run" [High,Triaged]
[10:51:44] <ogra_> i have no idea why cross toolchain bugs show up on our list
[10:51:57] <skaet> if they're not appropriate, that's also what I want to know. So I can make sure they're not orphaned.
[10:52:07] <ogra_> they are linaro
[10:52:21] <skaet> feel free to cut/paste them there, when you see it.
[10:52:41] <ogra_> i'll go over the list piece by piece offline before beta and talk to you if they are wrongly assigned
[10:52:41] <skaet> generally if they have armel tag, I use that as indicator.
[10:52:47] <skaet> great
[10:52:48] <skaet> thanks!
[10:52:49] <ogra_> thats definitely wrong
[10:53:07] <ogra_> armel covers everything thats armel :)
[10:53:11] <ogra_> not team specific at all
[10:53:16] * skaet is happy to figure out some better heuristics with ogra... :)
[10:53:22] <ogra_> only hw specific ...
[10:53:23] <ogra_> ..
[10:53:29] <skaet> yeah
[10:53:35] <skaet> any other questions for ogra?
[10:53:51] <skaet> [Topic] MOTU team update - ScottK
[10:53:51] <ogra_> we usually subscribe the ubuntu-armel team to the bugs we're intrested in
[10:54:06] <ScottK> Hello
[10:54:21] <ScottK> We were going to discuss a mass giveback at this meeting.
[10:54:33] <ScottK> armel's just been done, so no need to do it again.
[10:54:45] <ScottK> I think we ought to do i386/amd64/powerpc.
[10:54:48] <ScottK> ..
[10:55:14] <skaet> ok, things I'm aware of happening are the kernel builds.
[10:55:34] <skaet> cjwatson, pitti, what do you estimate the builder loads will be like?
[10:55:40] <ScottK> The retries are almost all Universe so shouldn't block stuff in Main at all.
[10:55:51] <ScottK> If we do it today, it'll be done before Monday.
[10:56:04] <pitti> skaet: I think we should do it now to make use of the weekend
[10:56:15] <pitti> and i386/amd64 are empty right now, it's just arm struggling
[10:56:26] <pitti> so, +1 from me
[10:56:29] <cjwatson> right, I can check why all those buildds are disabled
[10:56:46] <skaet> ok, sounds like we should be good to do it then.
[10:56:49] <cjwatson> and if armel's just been done, that answers that part of it
[10:56:53] <cjwatson> so yeah, let's do it
[10:56:54] <ScottK> It has.
[10:57:00] <pitti> cjwatson: the first three are known to lamont; it's not a spurious disconnect which we can just re-enable
[10:57:32] <pitti> skaet: and there won't be too much gardening of unapproved over the weekend; and if so, we can always bump their build score
[10:57:46] <cjwatson> yup
[10:57:54] <skaet> pitti, cjwatson, ScottK - sounds like should be fine. lets go for it.
[10:58:04] <cjwatson> I'll take care of it (either directly or via lamont)
[10:58:08] <ScottK> Great.
[10:58:26] <skaet> ScottK, you pulling the trigger?
[10:58:31] <cjwatson> 15:58 I'll take care of it (either directly or via lamont)
[10:58:34] <ScottK> skaet: I have no trigger.
[10:58:39] <skaet> oops
[10:58:46] * skaet interpretted cjwatson
[10:58:47] <ScottK> I will write an email to warn people.
[10:59:06] <skaet> comments about the builders not working rather than the start of the give back
[10:59:09] <skaet> thanks cjwatson
[10:59:17] <cjwatson> oh, right, yeah, I meant the give-back
[10:59:20] <skaet> thanks for writing the warning note ScottK
[10:59:27] <skaet> :)
[10:59:47] <skaet> any questions for ScottK?
[11:00:37] <skaet> [Topic] Linaro update - JamieBennett
[11:00:46] <JamieBennett> o/
[11:00:50] <JamieBennett> So not much to report this week
[11:01:02] <JamieBennett> we uploaded a new kernel which fixed a tonne of bugs
[11:01:15] <JamieBennett> but the multi-arch stuff still continues to happen
[11:01:25] * skaet nods
[11:01:31] * victorp says hi
[11:01:47] <JamieBennett> the aim is for an integrated but not fully functional multi-arch story by end of cycle
[11:01:51] <JamieBennett> and a rocking 11.10
[11:02:17] <JamieBennett> so with that in mind we are just fixing issues that have happened due to the changes
[11:02:29] <JamieBennett> there are no other real intersections to report
[11:02:30] <JamieBennett> ..
[11:02:39] <skaet> fair enough. Thanks JamieBennett
[11:03:09] <skaet> any questions for JamieBennett ?
[11:03:15] <doko_> ScottK: mass give back was done for all archs beginning of this week. why is another one needed?
[11:03:32] <ScottK> doko_: Was it done for all archs or just armel?
[11:03:42] <ScottK> If it was all archs, then it's not.
[11:03:47] <ScottK> (needed)
[11:03:54] * ScottK thought it was just armel.
[11:05:14] <ScottK> doko_: A quick sampling I see !armel build failures older than this week.
[11:05:27] <ScottK> (I found 3/9 just checking a few)
[11:05:39] <skaet> [ACTION] doko, ScottK, cjwatson review what's still needed for the giveback and initiate for non-armel if necessary.
[11:05:59] <skaet> victorp? do you have stable connection?
[11:06:07] <victorp_> kind of
[11:06:17] <victorp_> trying
[11:06:20] <victorp_> :)
[11:06:38] <victorp_> skaet I have emailed you my update
[11:06:48] <victorp_> anyone there?
[11:06:52] <skaet> yup
[11:07:05] <victorp_> ok - shall I go?
[11:07:09] <skaet> do you want to try posting, so we don't have extra work
[11:07:14] <doko_> ScottK: they were given back, if there are new ones ... I don't know
[11:07:14] <skaet> yes please... just sec.
[11:07:27] <skaet> Topic] Hardware Certification team update
[11:07:41] <victorp_> lets try
[11:07:42] <victorp_> This weeks coverage is the biggest that we got so far. Lab issues are being fixed and new systems that we plan to certify for 11.04 are being added. You can find the report in the usual location:
[11:07:52] <victorp_> [LINK]
[11:08:02] <victorp_> We keep improving our tests to reduce false negatives Some issues: * The bug about the Tecra R700 not suspending/resuming properly is still outstanding:
[11:08:11] <victorp_> [LINK]
[11:08:13] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 708286 in linux (Ubuntu) "Resume after suspend not working - Toshiba Tecra R700" [Undecided,New]
[11:08:19] <victorp_> * Some of the new systems added this week are not pxe booting. This looks like a configuration issue and we are still investigating
[11:08:54] <victorp_> Also, we reported Bootmetrics to the QA team
[11:08:55] <victorp_> ..
[11:09:06] <marjo> victorp_ thx!
[11:09:15] <victorp_> marjo - no probs
[11:09:17] <skaet> thanks victorp_ :)
[11:09:25] <skaet> any questions?
[11:09:38] <skaet> [Topic] any other kudos/comments/questions?
[11:10:11] * skaet looking around....
[11:10:33] <skaet> Thanks to marjo, jdstrand, ogasawara, cjwatson, zul, pitti, Chipaca_, Riddell, dbarth, ogra, ScottK, JamieBennett, victorp_, doko
[11:10:37] <skaet> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.