Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[10:02:08] <skaet> hi everyone
[10:02:11] <skaet> [Topic] Natty overview - skaet_
[10:02:11] <skaet> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.
[10:02:12] <skaet> .
[10:02:12] <skaet> Agenda is at:
[10:02:12] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:02:13] <skaet> .
[10:02:15] <skaet> Seeing a nice bit of movement on the bugs last week. Thanks to everyone involved in fixing them! If I've still got some being tracked under the wrong team though, please let me know, or feel free to go into the WIKI and move it to the right team ;).
[10:02:19] <skaet> .
[10:02:21] <skaet> As of 2011/03/17 bugs for Natty that are are targetted for fixing were broken down as follows:
[10:02:23] <skaet> * kernel: linux: 9 drivers: 14 ( 3 from 2010 )
[10:02:25] <skaet> * foundations: 23 ( 6 from 2010) but on the good news front 14 resolved in the last week! :)
[10:02:28] <skaet> * server: 6
[10:02:30] <skaet> * desktop: 12
[10:02:34] <skaet> * ubuntuone: 5 (2 from 2010 ) and 7 resolved in the last week! :)
[10:02:36] <skaet> * kubuntu: 4 (2 from 2010 )
[10:02:38] <skaet> * desktop experience: 33 (3 from 2010 ) and 13 resolved in last week! :)
[10:02:40] <skaet> * arm: 8 (3 from 2010 )
[10:02:42] <skaet> .
[10:02:44] <skaet> This is still up from where we were with maverick, so appreciate the continued focus on it.
[10:02:46] <skaet> .
[10:02:48] <skaet> Milestoned bugs for beta 1 can be found:
[10:02:50] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:02:52] <skaet> Bugs targetted for this release can be found:
[10:02:54] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:02:56] <skaet> .
[10:02:58] <skaet> Note that the renaming of beta to beta-1 caused some links to become inaccurate. If you spot any that are broken, please let me know.
[10:03:03] <skaet> .
[10:03:05] <skaet> Upcoming Significant Dates:
[10:03:07] <skaet> User Interface Freeze and Beta Freeze is March 24th (at 2300 UTC )
[10:03:09] <skaet> Beta 1 Release is March 31st.
[10:03:11] <skaet> questions?
[10:03:13] <skaet> ..
[10:03:37] * skaet looks around for questions..
[10:03:48] <skaet> ok, moving on to to round table then.
[10:04:06] <skaet> [Topic] QA team update - marjo
[10:04:11] <marjo> hi folks
[10:04:16] <marjo> * Natty Beta 1 Work Items
[10:04:17] <marjo>
[10:04:17] <marjo>
[10:04:17] <marjo> jibel blocked on confirmation from skaet and persia to clean up subscribers list
[10:04:17] <marjo>
[10:04:18] <marjo> hggdh still blocked due to lack of working UEC tools since after Alpha 2.
[10:04:53] <marjo> * Natty boot regression report
[10:04:54] <marjo>
[10:04:54] <marjo> bugs reported and under investigation by Foundations team.
[10:04:54] <marjo> bug 737152
[10:04:54] <marjo> bug 737143
[10:04:54] <marjo> bug 737154
[10:04:56] <marjo> bug 737148
[10:04:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737152 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7164 boots 10.63 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:04:58] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737143 in unity "Can't open nautilus Bookmarks which connect to server from unity-place-folders" [Undecided,New]
[10:04:58] <marjo> bug 737157
[10:04:59] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737154 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7174 boots 20.92 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:05:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737148 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201011-6750 boots 6 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:05:01] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737157 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7185 boots 15.31 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:05:02] <marjo> bug 737156
[10:05:04] <marjo> bug 737155
[10:05:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737156 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7184 boots 14.54 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:05:07] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737155 in The Ubuntu Boot Speed Project "Certification System 201101-7183 boots 9.95 seconds slower" [Undecided,New]
[10:05:23] <marjo> * Natty Blocking bugs
[10:05:23] <marjo> bug 717166
[10:05:23] <marjo> bug 729827
[10:05:29] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [High,Triaged]
[10:05:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 729827 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "at-spi-registry consumes most of the CPU and make the system unusable on Natty" [High,In progress]
[10:05:56] <marjo> skaet: both those bugs are already marked High and are being worked on
[10:06:15] <skaet> ok
[10:06:15] <marjo> * QA Dashboard
[10:06:16] <marjo>
[10:06:16] <marjo> Note linux, unity, xserver-org-video-intel, ubiquity and compiz are all in both the "Last Day" and "Last 7 Days" metrics.
[10:06:16] <marjo> skaet: Double confirmation that those are the packages to focus on!
[10:06:32] <skaet> yup. :)
[10:06:40] <marjo> * Testing status:
[10:06:41] <marjo> Desktop Automated Testing results
[10:06:41] <marjo>
[10:06:41] <marjo> Number of 2D tests: 315, 75% pass
[10:06:41] <marjo> Number of Unity tests: 296, 69% pass
[10:06:41] <marjo> List of bugs found is at the bottom of page.
[10:07:01] <marjo> Server Automated Testing results
[10:07:02] <marjo>
[10:07:02] <marjo> 28 tests failed. hggdh will investigate.
[10:07:02] <marjo> Desktop and Alternate Image Testig results
[10:07:02] <marjo>
[10:07:02] <marjo> 3 failures being investigated by jibel. desktop-i386 test restarted.
[10:07:04] <marjo> Automatic Upgrade Testing
[10:07:06] <marjo> Currently down. Last result is
[10:07:09] <marjo> Still the sudo prompt and the upgrade overwrite error.
[10:07:26] <marjo> ..
[10:07:34] <skaet> Thanks marjo!
[10:07:40] <marjo> thx skaet
[10:08:04] <skaet> can you double check with me against the agenda that the blocking bugs are on it?
[10:08:23] * skaet wants a second set of eyes to do the correlations.
[10:08:28] <marjo> skaet: will do on-the-side
[10:08:33] <skaet> thanks marjo
[10:08:36] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:08:38] <dbarth__> o/
[10:08:48] <skaet> go dbarth__
[10:08:53] <dbarth__> marjo: what's making boot slower?
[10:08:59] <dbarth__> marjo: is that a unity thing?
[10:09:10] <dbarth__> (hope not, but need to know0
[10:09:17] <marjo> dbarth_ still under investigation; no smoking gun yet
[10:10:05] <dbarth__> ok
[10:10:10] <marjo> dbarth_: X is contributing, but not by much
[10:10:45] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:11:15] <marjo> skaet: just confirmed that both blocking bugs are covered by desktop and server teams in your agenda; so we're ok
[10:11:24] <skaet> cool. :)
[10:11:45] <skaet> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - victorp
[10:12:51] * skaet looks around and not seeing ara or victorp responding...
[10:12:56] <skaet> moving on
[10:13:09] <skaet> [Topic] Security team update - jdstrand
[10:13:15] <jdstrand> hi
[10:13:23] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:13:24] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:13:36] <cjwatson> er, I didn't expect this meeting to be shifted back an hour, not ready yet, sorry
[10:13:39] <jdstrand> Our team fixed a couple of milestoned bugs this week (see the above report). Otherwise not a lot to report here-- team has been focusing primarily on stable release updates.
[10:13:48] <jdstrand> We are below the trend line and have no remaining milestoned bugs or features for beta.
[10:14:09] * jdstrand wasn't sure of the timing-- seems each meeting I had this week was handled differently :P
[10:14:12] <jdstrand> ..
[10:14:39] <skaet> cjwatson, np, we'll circle back to you at end.
[10:15:00] <skaet> jdstrand thanks!
[10:15:35] <skaet> sorry all about the daylight savings time shuffle this week. :(
[10:15:57] <skaet> [Topic] Kernel team update - ogasawara
[10:16:08] <ogasawara> Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:
[10:16:14] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:16:14] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:16:15] <ogasawara> [LINK]
[10:16:21] <ogasawara> We have very few specific work items in the ubuntu-11.04-beta milestone, mostly non-release related. The natty distro kernel is now at v2.6.38-7.35, this represents v2.6.38 mainline final release! This marks the intended upstream version for the kernel and we will now start following upstream stable v2.6.38.y. It also marks the return of the powerpc kernels, the compiler issues seem resolved. The main concern current
[10:16:21] <ogasawara> ly is the vesafb interaction with the intel DRM drivers which is triggering GPU hang reports, a prototype for which is in testing.
[10:16:40] <ogasawara> Of the bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, status is as below:
[10:16:47] <ogasawara> #539467 SATA alpm is now disabled in userspace, possible fix for Nvidia mcp65 controllers when in minimal power mode in testing;
[10:16:48] <ogasawara> #542660 still present, no real progress this week;
[10:16:48] <ogasawara> #625364 looks possible to work around using a pm-utils quirk;
[10:16:48] <ogasawara> #630748 remains waiting on Intel for updated wireless firmware;
[10:16:48] <ogasawara> #634487 workaround exists, but proper fix still needs investiagion.
[10:16:49] <ogasawara> #702090 looks to be an interaction with vesafb, upstream are saying "don't do that", prototype fix in testing;
[10:16:52] <ogasawara> #707353 workaround available, real fix needs applied to linux-firmware package.
[10:16:56] <ogasawara> #712075 partial fix in place, testing requested with 26.38 final kernel;
[10:16:58] <ogasawara> #717114 issue identified and possible fix now in testing.
[10:17:00] <ogasawara> ..
[10:17:15] <skaet> thanks ogasawara! (and welcome back :) )
[10:17:31] <skaet> any questions?
[10:18:02] <skaet> [Topic] Server team update - Daviey
[10:18:08] <Daviey> Hello!
[10:18:12] <skaet> :)
[10:18:16] <Daviey> Status:
[10:18:16] <Daviey> WI tracking:
[10:18:16] <Daviey> We are closer to the trend line, and still have significant documentation to do. Platform is looking good, with out most serious bug still being bug #717166.
[10:18:16] <Daviey> Bugs:
[10:18:18] <Daviey> Outstanding
[10:18:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [High,Triaged]
[10:18:20] <Daviey> 561779 - squid - squid is not started on runlevel transition 1 -> 2.
[10:18:22] <Daviey> 727286 - libvirt - apparmor is blocking libvirt-bin from accessing folders in "/
[10:18:24] <Daviey> 733914 - autofs5 - autofs races network interfaces, ends up not working
[10:18:26] <Daviey> 728088 - debian-installer - iscsi root (amd64) with or without auth fails to boot
[10:18:28] <Daviey> In progress
[10:18:30] <Daviey> 697753 - bittorrent recommendation prevents bittorrent demotion
[10:18:32] <Daviey> Fix Committed, pending upload
[10:18:34] <Daviey> 711587 - powernap and Eucalyptus seem unable to reach an understanding
[10:18:36] <Daviey> Fix Committed, pending upload
[10:18:38] <Daviey> 717166 - Eucalyptus - Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty
[10:18:40] <Daviey> Upstream have proposed a fix, that is being reviewed.
[10:18:42] <Daviey> 580319 - dhcp3-server launches before upstart brings all interface, thus failing to start
[10:18:46] <Daviey> Assigned to JamesHunt
[10:18:48] <Daviey> 732759 - [FFe] [needs-packaging] python-ethtool
[10:18:50] <Daviey> In NEW queue, pending Accept
[10:18:52] <Daviey> 727200 [MIR] lxcguest in main
[10:18:54] <Daviey> Pending MIR review
[10:18:56] <Daviey> 727342 FFE: open-vm-tools kernel module failed to build
[10:18:58] <Daviey> Pending approval from ~ubuntu-release
[10:19:00] <Daviey> cloud-server-n-ubuntu-trial - 0% - Not part of the distro release, and spec is currently being heavily modified as it isn't currently accurate.
[10:19:03] <Daviey> cloud-server-n-automated-testing - 0% - Making progress, and should be good for concurrent beta image testing (with tradional testing).
[10:19:06] <Daviey> packageselection-server-n-upstart-server-enhancement - 8% - Documentation remaining
[10:19:08] <Daviey> packageselection-server-n-commandline-userfriendly - 69% - Parts will be defered, and wider input is going to be sought.
[10:19:11] <Daviey> packageselection-server-n-cluster-stack - 31% - Will be documentation remaining.
[10:19:13] <Daviey> All in, we are doing as expected - as explained, the most
[10:19:17] <Daviey> concerning bug is bug #717166, which is being looked at by many people at the moment. We have a potential fix.
[10:19:19] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [High,Triaged]
[10:19:20] <Daviey> ...
[10:19:22] <jdstrand> Daviey: I just uploaded the fix for bug #727286 a few minutes ago
[10:19:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 727286 in libvirt (Ubuntu Natty) "apparmor is blocking libvirt-bin from accessing folders in "/"" [Low,Fix released]
[10:19:34] <Daviey> jdstrand, I saw! That is awesome :)
[10:19:41] <jdstrand> heh
[10:19:49] <marjo> Daviey: thx for working on 717166
[10:19:49] <skaet> Thanks Daviey! Appreciate the details. :)
[10:19:54] <Daviey> jdstrand, I meant to take it out of the list, but my list predates your fix.. dammit!
[10:20:01] <skaet> heh
[10:20:03] <jdstrand> :)
[10:20:06] * skaet knows all about that....
[10:20:12] <Daviey> heh
[10:20:18] <Daviey> Thank you. o/
[10:20:23] <skaet> any other question?
[10:20:36] <skaet> [Topic] Desktop team update - pitti
[10:20:53] <pitti> Blueprint implementation:
[10:20:56] <pitti> * On track for entire cycle
[10:20:58] <pitti> * beta-1: not much progress last week, but the actual implementation bits are mostly done; remaining WIs fall into those categories:
[10:21:00] <pitti> * Adding unit tests, human testing, etc. (not bound by FF or other freezes; b1 milestone was used mainly for planning)
[10:21:02] <pitti> * Some remaining a11y work for Unity; worked on by DX, we just need to integrate once it's landing
[10:21:04] <pitti> * Porting remaining software to xulrunner-2.0 (not really bound by FF, but should be done soon); stragglers will be removed from the archive; the main blocker here is swt-gtk which is required by eucalyptus, as discussed last week
[10:21:06] <pitti> * Quickly improvements are still blocked on Launchpad improvements; postponed to oneiric now
[10:21:08] <pitti> * Sofware-Center UI enhancements: Some are probably done, but some implementation work left
[10:21:10] <pitti> General status:
[10:21:12] <pitti> * The usual weekly unity release with tons of bug fixes; Pressing Alt now finally gets back menus
[10:21:14] <pitti> * Previous round of maverick-proposed langpacks broke search plugins; fixed langpack-o-matic, new packages in -proposed now; next round of natty langpacks will have this fixed, too
[10:21:16] <pitti> RC bugs:
[10:21:18] <pitti> * Not much progress this week; will walk over the list in next desktop team meeting
[10:21:20] <pitti> * Details at
[10:21:29] <pitti> ..
[10:22:27] <skaet> thanks pitti!
[10:22:48] <skaet> any questions?
[10:23:28] <skaet> [Topic] Ubuntu One Team - Chipaca
[10:23:44] <Chipaca>
[10:23:44] <Chipaca> details on where we're at with our natty work and releases are in the link above
[10:23:44] <Chipaca> FFE update... bindwood bug #648587 has a package ready to go & ubuntuone-couch in universal bug #729117 is getting uploaded by kenvandine
[10:23:44] <Chipaca> the list of bugs we're working on currently can be found in the link i posted earlier...
[10:23:44] <Chipaca> we have some final ui/text changes to make in the next couple days related to the control panel and banshee/libubuntuone but these should be in prior to ui freeze
[10:23:46] <Chipaca> and that's it for this week for u1 - questions?
[10:23:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 648587 in bindwood (Ubuntu Natty) "[FFE] bindwood is incompatible with Firefox 4" [High,Fix released]
[10:23:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 729117 in Ubuntu "[FFE] Add ubuntuone-couch to universe " [Undecided,Confirmed]
[10:23:48] <Chipaca> ..
[10:24:22] <skaet> thanks Chipaca!
[10:24:36] * Chipaca bows reverently
[10:24:40] <skaet> lol
[10:25:44] <skaet> not seeing any questions, so moving on. :)
[10:25:49] <skaet> [Topic] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell
[10:25:58] <Riddell> hi
[10:26:02] <skaet> :)
[10:26:04] <Riddell> * the world is broken due to late addition of multiarch, anything compiled with cmake now won't find multiarch libraries
[10:26:07] <Riddell> - I'm looking at a quick fix of hardcoding the new multiarch paths
[10:26:10] <Riddell> * Qt on ARM now uses OpenGLES, this breaks anything using openGL directly such as koffice, kdeedu etc (anything using glew and avogadro). rsalveti and janimo from mobile say that'll work on them and "linaro is working to get gles support at glew". no quick fixes for this problem.
[10:26:15] <Riddell> * kubuntu-mobile now being generated from separate seeds and in universe. ARM images not building - to be investigated
[10:26:18] <Riddell> * other CD images all good
[10:26:20] <Riddell> * 9 bugs milestoned for beta
[10:26:23] <Riddell> ..
[10:26:39] <skaet> Thanks Riddell
[10:27:08] <skaet> who are you working with on the multiarch issues? is there a bug?
[10:27:21] <Riddell> it's bug 737137
[10:27:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 737137 in cmake (Ubuntu Natty) "find_library fails to locate multiarch libraries" [High,New]
[10:27:29] <skaet> thanks!
[10:27:33] <Riddell> I've discussed it with slangasek a bit
[10:27:43] <Riddell> it needs discussion with cmake upstream and Debian for a proper solution
[10:28:09] <skaet> good, that's what I was hoping to hear. So, we should have workarounds in place for beta, but need better long term?
[10:28:25] <Riddell> hopefully yes
[10:28:35] <skaet> thanks!
[10:28:40] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:28:48] <ScottK> It makes it rather tough to make progress on the gles issue with cmake broken ...
[10:29:21] <skaet> sigh, understood. :(
[10:29:52] <skaet> [Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth__
[10:29:55] <dbarth__> hi
[10:29:59] <skaet> :)
[10:30:07] <dbarth__> the weekly report is at as usual
[10:30:15] <dbarth__> highglights for the week
[10:30:19] <dbarth__> 1. FFEs
[10:30:31] <dbarth__> Datetime menu support for browsing calendars (726531) -> Done and released
[10:30:32] <dbarth__> ALT-F2 (580295) -> Done and released
[10:30:34] <dbarth__> Zeitgeist-0.7.0 (732551) -> Done and released
[10:30:35] <dbarth__> Easy application installation (670403) -> Done and released
[10:30:37] <dbarth__> places a11y (731403) -> Blocked by regressions
[10:30:38] <dbarth__> overlay scrollbar (730740) -> We confirm our request for an exception
[10:30:40] <dbarth__> multi-touch support in Unity (737601) -> In progress
[10:30:53] <dbarth__>
[10:30:54] <dbarth__> the last 3 are the one to notice
[10:31:01] <dbarth__>
[10:31:04] * skaet notes
[10:31:15] <dbarth__> on the Unity front; 65 bugs fixed in a single release!
[10:31:21] <dbarth__> including:
[10:31:30] <dbarth__> numerous gl & a11y crashers
[10:31:31] <dbarth__> the alt keypress bug (689179)
[10:31:33] <dbarth__> KDE apps can now be pinned to the launcher
[10:31:39] <dbarth__> and a lot of UI adjustments in the dash, like the new auto-resizing layout or ALT-F2 support
[10:31:45] <dbarth__> still no a11y for places, due to focus/grab mgmt improvements that created regressions in the a11y integration
[10:31:46] <dbarth__> overlay scrollbar: lots of fixes to extend the list of supported applications: Ayatana/ScrollBars
[10:32:04] <dbarth__> the places a11y FFE is still blocked, that's a worry at this stage
[10:32:09] <dbarth__>
[10:32:29] <dbarth__> Foundations is trying to break records as well: 30 bugs fixed this week
[10:32:46] <dbarth__> highly improved latency of searches, improved relevancy ranking of searches & showcasing random apps from Software Center
[10:32:47] <dbarth__> Zeitgeist FTS Extension got a long waited fix extending the capabilities of the event filtering mechanism which was required in order to filter out applications from searches in the files place
[10:32:49] <dbarth__> Dee ABI+API stability since 0.5.12 (released Monday) also with a range of new functionality to help optimize the Unity shell(s) and place daemons alike
[10:32:50] <dbarth__> More dbusmenu & indicator fixes
[10:32:52] <dbarth__>
[10:33:09] <dbarth__> Last on the QA front: triaging as usual with a rise in the bug inflow
[10:33:17] <dbarth__> Provided test cases for GL, Compiz and Ayatana Scrollbar
[10:33:18] <dbarth__> Work on compiz automated testcases for the 3 main regressions (invisible windows, stacking order issues and decorator crashers)
[10:33:23] <dbarth__> ..
[10:33:29] <marjo> o/
[10:33:36] <skaet> thanks dbarth__ !
[10:33:50] <skaet> congrats on swatting all those bugs. :)
[10:33:52] <skaet> go marjo
[10:34:21] <marjo> skaet, dbarth: ok to sneak in last-minute NVIDIA test results?
[10:34:43] <dbarth__> yes, good news?
[10:34:52] <marjo>
[10:34:53] <marjo> The following nVidia cards are reported to work with Unity:
[10:34:53] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation C79 [GeForce G102M]
[10:34:53] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation Device 06c0
[10:34:53] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G73 [GeForce 7600 GT]
[10:34:53] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8800 GTS]
[10:34:55] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600 GTS]
[10:34:57] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600 GT]
[10:34:59] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G84 [GeForce 8600M GT]
[10:35:03] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G84M [Quadro NVS 320M]
[10:35:05] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400 GS]
[10:35:07] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M GS]
[10:35:09] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 9300M G]
[10:35:11] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G92 [GeForce 9800 GT]
[10:35:13] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT]
[10:35:15] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce GT 130M]
[10:35:17] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation GT200 [GeForce GTX 260]
[10:35:19] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 310M]
[10:35:21] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation GT218 [NVS 3100M]
[10:35:23] <marjo> * nVidia Corporation ION VGA [GeForce 9400M]
[10:35:25] <marjo> dbarth__ yes!
[10:35:28] <marjo> ..
[10:35:33] <skaet> :)
[10:35:37] <victorp> cool
[10:35:44] <skaet> good news is always welcome. Thanks marjo!
[10:35:53] <dbarth__> nice coverage, but some results are worrying
[10:35:58] <dbarth__> fallback in particular
[10:36:04] <dbarth__> can we see that offline?
[10:36:19] <marjo> dbarth__ ack
[10:36:29] <skaet> any other questions for dbarth__ ?
[10:36:43] <skaet> [Topic] ARM team update - ogra
[10:37:28] * skaet looks around for ogra?
[10:37:47] <skaet> ok, will move on, and see if we can pick him up later.
[10:38:15] <skaet> [Topic] MOTU team update - ScottK
[10:38:19] <ScottK> Hello.
[10:38:22] <skaet> :)
[10:38:25] <ScottK> Nothing major to report.
[10:38:34] <ScottK> NBS and FTBFS could use some work.
[10:39:03] <ScottK> It occurs to me that we might do a global giveback during beta1 freeze to see how much gets fixed now that the DSO linking change has been reverted?
[10:39:05] <ScottK> ..
[10:39:30] <cjwatson> that's feasible
[10:40:08] <ScottK> The buildd's are generally pretty idle during the freeze, so it seems a good use of the CPU cycles to me.
[10:40:23] <cjwatson> agreed
[10:40:39] <ScottK> Of course it depends a bit on where we are with multi-arch if that's the right time ...
[10:40:44] <cjwatson> it shouldn't take long enough that it impedes release preparation
[10:41:15] <skaet> will get with you both offline then on it.
[10:41:32] <ScottK> Should there be an action?
[10:41:39] <skaet> yup
[10:42:34] <skaet> [ACTION] [cjwatson, skaet, ScottK] investigate feasibility of global giveback during beta1 freeze if buildd's are available.
[10:43:12] <skaet> probably we can see where we are next meeting and use the weekend if things are calm?
[10:43:19] <ScottK> Yeah.
[10:43:35] <skaet> any other questions?
[10:43:41] <skaet> [Topic] Linaro update - JamieBennett
[10:43:50] <JamieBennett> hi skaet
[10:43:54] <skaet> :)
[10:44:06] <JamieBennett> So as you are aware, some breakage happened this week due to the multiarch work
[10:44:17] <JamieBennett> cmake, apt, and our own tools are being worked on
[10:44:28] <JamieBennett> Steve is confident that this will be done soon
[10:44:42] * skaet glad to hear
[10:45:01] <JamieBennett> jcrigby is working on a new kernel upload to fix our Panda issues but is blocked on some lttng breakage atm
[10:45:05] <JamieBennett> this will come soon
[10:45:26] <JamieBennett> also a new version of our linaro build tools will be needed
[10:45:32] <JamieBennett> ..
[10:45:44] <skaet> thanks JamieBennett!
[10:47:26] <skaet> I'm curious about if jcrigby's changes are being integrated what ARM team got from TI, but will get with you offline.
[10:47:40] <skaet> any questions?
[10:48:08] <JamieBennett> they are separate from what I understand
[10:48:27] <skaet> ok.
[10:48:39] <skaet> circling back now then to folks who got DLS'd
[10:48:44] <skaet> [Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson
[10:49:05] <cjwatson>
[10:49:09] <cjwatson> Comfortably below trend line, no feature issues to speak of.
[10:49:11] <cjwatson> We've had several regressions to handle from the transition to multiarch - ldconfig, mklibs, bootchart, etc. So far most of the ones I've seen have been handled, but we still need to be vigilant.
[10:49:15] <cjwatson> I haven't checked whether there's a test rebuild planned between now and release to see what build regressions we have from multiarch (other than cmake as mentioned by Riddell), but that wouldn't hurt.
[10:49:19] <cjwatson> Bugs: fairly rapid progress this week, as seen in the meeting agenda. Remaining issues that I think are vital for beta 1 are:
[10:49:22] <cjwatson> - bug 690873
[10:49:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 690873 in sudo (Ubuntu Natty) "latest natty sudo upgrade prompts for conffile update and potentially removes %admin from /etc/sudoers" [High,Triaged]
[10:49:25] <cjwatson> - plumbing side of vesafb GPU lockups, which should be landable and ought to clear up some long-standing plymouth issues along with it
[10:49:28] <cjwatson> - make sure that d-i still works after multiarch bootstrap (it's been variously broken and unbuildable for a couple of days)
[10:49:31] <cjwatson> - sync open-iscsi userspace back up with kernelspace
[10:49:33] <cjwatson> ..
[10:49:44] <skaet> thanks cjwatson!
[10:50:07] <skaet> congrats on all those bug fixes over the last week!
[10:50:37] <skaet> have noted the ones you think are critical for beta 1.
[10:50:40] <skaet> any questions?
[10:51:13] <skaet> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - victorp
[10:51:20] <victorp> o/
[10:51:22] <victorp> Results for this week:
[10:51:22] <victorp> Notes:
[10:51:22] <victorp> 1) bootchart does not create /var/log/bootchart.tgz on the 20110317 image, causing checkbox to reboot endlessly. This cased many of desktop machines not to report results.
[10:51:22] <victorp> 2) One server (hogplum) seems to have defective hw
[10:51:22] <victorp> 3) Systems using the 20110317 where able to report results
[10:51:24] <victorp> 4) Several checkbox cases are giving false positives, tests are being revamped
[10:51:35] <victorp> also bootchart results for this week
[10:51:41] <victorp>
[10:51:48] <victorp> ..
[10:51:58] <skaet> thanks victorp!
[10:52:12] <victorp> no probs
[10:52:27] * victorp got confused with dls
[10:52:51] <skaet> will review through the charts offline, and follow up if I've got questions then.
[10:53:08] * skaet is not looking forward to europe going on DLS in a couple of weeks. :P
[10:53:31] <skaet> anyone have questions for victorp?
[10:53:44] <skaet> is ogra around now?
[10:53:52] <skaet> or someone from ARM team?
[10:54:05] <skaet> [Topic] any other kudos/comments/questions?
[10:54:48] <skaet> hmm, seems quiet...
[10:54:51] <skaet> going once
[10:54:58] <skaet> twice
[10:55:07] <skaet> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.