Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[10:02:35] <skaet> Reminder, please follow the convention of using ".." on a separate line when you've finished typing. Also, If someone wants to comment on the last point, please "o/", so we know to wait.
[10:02:44] <skaet> [TOPIC] End of Life - Karmic, Hardy-Desktop
[10:02:58] <skaet> ust a reminder that April 2011 will see end of life of Karmic Koala (9.10), and Hardy Heron (8.04) Desktop.
[10:02:58] <skaet> Dapper Drake (6.06) Server will end of life in June 2011.
[10:02:58] <skaet> [LINK]
[10:03:34] <skaet> ..
[10:03:41] <skaet> any questions?
[10:04:15] <skaet> [TOPIC] LTS - 10.04.3
[10:04:41] <skaet> milestoned bugs are in the agenda, 10.04.3 is est. July 14th
[10:05:04] <skaet> please put in agenda if you know of any concerns, things to avoid around that date.
[10:05:15] <skaet> milestoned bugs can be found there as well.
[10:05:24] <skaet> ..
[10:05:43] <skaet> [TOPIC] Kernel SRU status - skipping this week
[10:05:54] <skaet> [TOPIC] QA status - marjo
[10:06:04] <marjo> hi folks
[10:06:07] <marjo> Lucid
[10:06:07] <marjo> Testing done on March 9
[10:06:07] <marjo>
[10:06:07] <marjo> Lucid EC2
[10:06:07] <marjo> Testing passed on March 7
[10:06:08] <marjo>
[10:06:18] <marjo> Karmic
[10:06:18] <marjo> Testing done on March 11
[10:06:18] <marjo>
[10:06:18] <marjo> Karmic EC2
[10:06:22] <marjo>
[10:07:26] <marjo>
[10:07:39] <marjo> Planned for Week of March 14
[10:07:39] <marjo> Maverick
[10:07:39] <marjo> Testing started today March 14
[10:07:39] <marjo>
[10:07:39] <marjo>
[10:07:41] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 726796 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "linux: 2.6.35-28.49 -proposed tracker" [Medium,Fix committed]
[10:07:50] <marjo> Hardy
[10:07:50] <marjo> Testing starts after Maverick tests are completed
[10:07:50] <marjo>
[10:07:52] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 725138 in linux (Ubuntu Hardy) "linux: 2.6.24-29.87 -proposed tracker" [Undecided,Fix committed]
[10:07:53] <marjo> ..
[10:08:27] <skaet> thanks marjo
[10:08:33] <marjo> thx skaet
[10:08:38] <skaet> any questions?
[10:09:08] <skaet> [TOPIC] HW certification - ara
[10:09:11] <ara> o/
[10:09:16] <ara> This week we reached the coverage of 75 certified systems with 10.04LTS and 75 systems with 10.10.
[10:09:29] <ara> The tests that failed in Maverick are due to problems with the tests themselves, and are not regressions in the kernel. From our side, Maverick kernel is ready to be uploaded to -updates, as we stated in the tracking bug.
[10:09:30] <ara> [LINK]
[10:10:00] <ara> From the tests that failed in Lucid, we were only suspicious of two failing systems that failed the network tests. That's why we removed the verification-done tag from the tracking bug on Lucid. We just finished investigating those right now and we will now update the tracking bug as we have confirmed that those are not regressions.
[10:10:00] <ara> [LINK]
[10:10:07] <ara> ..
[10:10:15] <skaet> thanks ara! what is the root cause of the maverick failures? some other bugs or hardware?
[10:10:38] <skaet> sorry
[10:10:45] <skaet> just re-read what you said
[10:10:52] <ara> :)
[10:10:52] <skaet> ok, test failures.
[10:11:05] <skaet> anyone else have questions for ara?
[10:11:26] <skaet> [TOPIC] general SRU status - pitti
[10:11:45] <pitti> mostly business as usual
[10:12:04] <pitti> note that this week I'm going to have an SRU training session with SpammapS (Clint Byrum)
[10:12:16] <pitti> he aggreed to join the SRU team \o/
[10:12:30] <skaet> *\o/* ;)
[10:12:32] <pitti> so you might soon see messages and SRU processing from him as well
[10:12:32] <zul> muhaha
[10:13:21] <skaet> ..?
[10:13:34] <zul> never mind me
[10:13:59] <skaet> nah, just wondering if pitti was still typing or if he was done?
[10:14:02] <pitti> ..
[10:14:05] <skaet> :)
[10:14:11] <pitti> skaet: (sorry, have the plumber in the flat right now)
[10:14:13] * hggdh starts imagining a whole dialog of '..'
[10:14:18] <ara> hehe
[10:14:20] <skaet> thanks pitti, no worries..
[10:14:50] <skaet> [TOPIC] OEM bug priorities? - vanhoof
[10:15:34] <vanhoof> skaet: o/
[10:15:41] <skaet> :)
[10:16:19] <vanhoof> skaet: we have an on-going issue we're debugging, which may result in a request for SRU, but we're still not close to the final root cause
[10:16:26] <vanhoof> that's the only pressing item I have open now
[10:16:41] <vanhoof> everything else is already verified in -proposed, or ack'd appropriately for the next SRU cycle
[10:16:41] <skaet> ..?
[10:16:44] <vanhoof> ..
[10:16:49] <skaet> cool
[10:16:55] <skaet> thanks vanhoof!
[10:16:57] <skaet> any questions?
[10:17:22] <skaet> [TOPIC] Support team - customer bug priorities - martins
[10:17:46] * skaet looks around though and doesn't see martins, so we'll come back to this next time....
[10:18:08] <skaet> [TOPIC] New business, last chance for general questions? - all
[10:18:13] <zul> hi
[10:18:16] <zul> i have one thing
[10:18:22] <skaet> go zul :)
[10:18:40] <zul> we have a SRU for bind for a new upstream version (9.7.0 -> 9.7.3)
[10:18:54] <zul> its at the techboard level
[10:19:11] <zul> but it hasnt been looked at by the tb yet
[10:19:21] <zul> and we have a couple of weeks before all hell breaks loose
[10:19:29] <zul> Daviey is handing it right now
[10:19:30] <zul> ...
[10:19:48] <skaet> Thanks for the head's up zul. what's the bug number?
[10:20:11] <zul> 651875 i think
[10:20:55] <zul> mdz just responded to it so its in the SRU team hands now
[10:21:24] <skaet> pitti, ^^ will get with you about it then offline.
[10:22:23] <zul> cool thanks!
[10:22:27] <skaet> zul, I'll keep it on the "keep close eye on it" then list, till we know its in the flow, and add it to the agenda to track next meeting.
[10:22:28] <Daviey> mdz, Thanks for updating that
[10:22:42] <mdz> Daviey, np, sorry it took so long
[10:23:33] <skaet> [ACTION] skaet work with zul, Daviey, pitti on 651875 update plans
[10:23:58] <skaet> anyone else have questions? new business?
[10:24:17] <pitti> skaet, zul: that by and large just needs an upload
[10:24:28] <skaet> :)
[10:24:29] <skaet> cool
[10:24:36] <zul> pitti: right ill poke daviey to do it then
[10:24:49] <skaet> Reminder: is where the agenda is being tracked.
[10:25:17] <skaet> its hot linked from StableReleaseAgenda each meeting.
[10:25:45] <skaet> let me know off line if you want some items rearranged.
[10:26:27] <skaet> thanks ara, marjo, pitti, vanhoof, zul, Daviey
[10:26:37] <skaet> #endmeeting.
[10:26:41] <marjo> skaet: thx
[10:26:42] <ara> thanks all!
[10:27:01] <skaet> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.