Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-meeting
[10:02:15] <skaet_> Reminder: please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing. If someone wants to comment on the last point, please "o/", so we know to wait.
[10:02:16] <skaet_> Agenda is at:
[10:02:16] <skaet_> Milestoned bugs for alpha3 can be found
[10:02:49] <skaet_> Just a reminder to everyone that Feature Freeze is next Thursday.
[10:03:24] <skaet_> Anyone have any updates to the open action items before I go into the round table?
[10:03:26] <skaet_> ..
[10:03:47] <skaet_> [Topic] QA team update - marjo
[10:04:00] <marjo> hi folks
[10:04:11] <marjo> * Natty Alpha 3 Work Items
[10:04:11] <marjo>
[10:04:11] <marjo>
[10:04:11] <marjo> 100% complete.
[10:04:11] <marjo> Other blueprints, not started yet.
[10:04:35] <marjo> QA Dashboard
[10:04:35] <marjo>
[10:04:35] <marjo> Note linux, ubiquity, evolution and update-manager are all in both the "Last Day" and "Last 7 Days" metrics.
[10:05:02] <marjo> * Testing status:
[10:05:03] <marjo> Desktop Automated Testing results
[10:05:03] <marjo>
[10:05:03] <marjo> List of bugs found is at the bottom of page.
[10:05:14] <marjo> Server Automated Testing results
[10:05:15] <marjo>
[10:05:15] <marjo> 3 failures under investigation by hggdh.
[10:05:27] <marjo> Automatic Upgrade Testing
[10:05:28] <marjo>
[10:05:28] <marjo> per mvo, the post-upgrade-test failure is and the main-all bug is
[10:05:31] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 690873 in sudo (Ubuntu Natty) "latest natty sudo upgrade prompts for conffile update and potentially removes %admin from /etc/sudoers" [High,Triaged]
[10:05:46] <marjo> ..
[10:06:29] <skaet_> thanks marjo. questions?
[10:07:05] <skaet_> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - victorp
[10:07:57] * skaet_ looks around for victorp?
[10:08:08] <skaet_> ok, will move on
[10:08:17] <skaet_> [Topic] Security team update - jdstrand
[10:08:25] <jdstrand> hi!
[10:08:35] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:08:36] <jdstrand> [LINK]
[10:09:52] <jdstrand> For the most part, this last week we have been very busy focusing on stable release updates and have also been fixing security issues in natty.
[10:10:06] <jdstrand> We did add a new member to our team: micahg. He will be handling browser related items in the stable releases (eg, webkit, mozilla, chromium) as well as helping prepare the dev release to make it easier to maintain. Welcome micahg!
[10:10:17] <jdstrand> We have no remaining milestoned features or bugs for alpha-3. bug #718208 is being worked on and sponsored by the security team. I may have time to look at bug #702774 this coming week.
[10:10:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 718208 in openssl (Ubuntu Natty) "CVE-2011-0014" [Medium,Confirmed]
[10:10:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 702774 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "Update of AppArmor disables libvirtd dynamic profiles" [Undecided,Triaged]
[10:10:31] <jdstrand> For feature freeze, we plan to upload the apparmor 2.6 rc userspace early next week. We already have a pre-release version in natty, so are not expecting any issues.
[10:10:42] <jdstrand> We added a couple more bugs to our list of interesting bugs (to us) from other teams: bug #663294 and bug #716703.
[10:10:46] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 663294 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "Firefox built with gcc-4.5 is a non-starter on i386 with -pie" [High,Triaged]
[10:10:47] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 716703 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Natty) "chromium-browser not built PIE on ARM" [Medium,Confirmed]
[10:10:58] <jdstrand> As a personal note, I can say that unity/compiz has been much more stable for me lately. thanks!
[10:11:03] <jdstrand> ..
[10:11:16] <skaet_> thanks jdstrand
[10:11:28] <skaet_> welcome micahg! :)
[10:12:04] <skaet_> I'm experimenting with ways of denoting the bugs of interest to the security team in the agenda summaries, so may ping you off line about that.
[10:12:18] <jdstrand> skaet_: ack
[10:12:18] <skaet_> any questions?
[10:12:49] <skaet_> [Topic] Kernel team update - apw
[10:12:57] <apw> Overall status is reported at the first link below. Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below. Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:
[10:13:04] <apw> [LINK]
[10:13:04] <apw> [LINK]
[10:13:04] <apw> [LINK]
[10:13:10] <apw> We are a bit above the line on the burn-down but that is mostly an artifact of there being so very few specific items for our team. The natty kernel is now at v2.6.38-4.31 (v2.6.38-rc5 based). We are expecting v2.6.38-rc6 to release imminently and we plan on uploading as soon as that is available. Overall we have most of our development out of the way, with just the ecryptfs long filename work ongoing, we are now tracking mainline and fielding issu
[10:13:10] <apw> es as they appear. It looks like the v2.6.38 final will drop arround A3 so we should have a good period of stabalisation before final release.
[10:13:17] <apw> Of the bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, status is as below:
[10:13:21] <apw> #344878 ecryptfs long filename prototype continues to evolve with a second push going to upstream, the on-disk format is not yet agreed and this is highly unlikely to be resolved in time;
[10:13:27] <apw> #539467 SATA alpm is now disabled in userspace, upstream discussions are ongoing;
[10:13:31] <apw> #542660, still present, needs pushing upstream;
[10:13:35] <apw> #600453 and #681877 (all black screen issues) a fix for this issue has been identified and pulled into the Natty kernel and will hit in the next upload;
[10:13:39] <apw> #630748 remains waiting on Intel for updated wireless firmware;
[10:13:42] <apw> #636091 is looking like a locking issue in USB, possibly to do with the BKL, investigation continues; and
[10:13:46] <apw> #702090 looks to be an interaction with vesafb, upstream are saying "don't do that".
[10:13:52] <apw> The other bugs seem to be non-kernel packages, status is recorded on our status page where available (first link above).
[10:13:59] <apw> ..
[10:14:48] <skaet_> Thanks apw. good news about 2.6.38 and a nice stable sabilisation period.
[10:15:04] <apw> yeah i was worried but these -rc's have come out smartish, and things are settling
[10:15:25] <apw> and i am pleased to have the black screens on those dells sorted
[10:15:52] <skaet_> *\o/* on that one. Will work through the bugs a bit, and get with you offine. thanks for the details. :)
[10:16:00] <skaet_> any questions?
[10:16:20] <skaet_> [Topic] Foundations team update - ev
[10:16:26] <ev> - we're below the line \o/
[10:16:27] <ev> - we're mostly okay. I'm not sure the datetime stuff is going to land, but that's really just pushing code around as we already have a working implementation in 10.10. Somewhat blocked on the nvidia item due to the incompatibility with the new X server (is that still the case?), but will build on 10.10 if need be.
[10:16:27] <ev> Team summary: I've been tackling moving the installer session to compiz. Colin has been working on the bootstrap project, with 10.04.2 work as well. GRUB on the CDs is likely to be deferred to O.
[10:16:27] <ev> Barry has been tackling bugs in python, computer-janor, wubi, and a few others. Surbhi is debugging mountall/upstart communication. doko brought updates to gcc-4.4, gcc-4.5, and binutils.
[10:16:27] <ev> mvo has been hard at work on ratings and reviews, apt & aptdaemon merges, and the automatic upgrade tests. James finished the upstart visualization branch.
[10:16:54] <ev> (done)
[10:17:10] <skaet_> thanks ev.
[10:17:14] * skaet_ still reading
[10:18:14] <skaet_> I think that most of the bugs I'm worried about at this point have your name tied to them so will get with you offline for more details.
[10:18:23] <skaet_> any questions?
[10:18:26] <ev> hah, sure :)
[10:18:47] <skaet_> [Topic] Server team update - Daviey
[10:19:51] * skaet_ looks around for a Daviey ?
[10:20:24] <Daviey> hello o/
[10:20:28] <Daviey>
[10:20:30] <Daviey> Good progress. The documentation is coming along and while that is a mountain of TODO's, Clint still expect to get them all done before release.. most of it is wiki/web page work and so isn't subject to most of our freezes.
[10:20:32] <skaet_> hoo.. nick of time
[10:20:34] <Daviey>
[10:20:36] <Daviey> Making progress. The mysql and mod_pagespeed tasks may end up getting postponed.
[10:20:38] <Daviey>
[10:20:40] <Daviey> Recently became more active, and expected to be complete relatively quickly
[10:20:43] <Daviey>
[10:20:44] <Daviey> This is low priority, and is in danger of getting dropped.. pending work load.
[10:20:46] <Daviey>
[10:20:48] <Daviey> Making progress, Resource agent element complete and should be released today. Eucalyptus parts of the spec might be re-considered, pending discussions with upstream.
[10:20:51] <Daviey>
[10:20:53] <Daviey> Recently undergoing more commitment, and therefore expecting to be good progress by next meeting.
[10:20:55] <Daviey>
[10:21:00] <Daviey>
[10:21:02] <Daviey> Good progress.. James has managed to tame Jenkins (formally hudson) \o/. For natty it will be a semi-supported PPA, landing in O-Series when it opens.
[10:21:04] <Daviey>
[10:21:06] <Daviey> Current progress -
[10:21:08] <Daviey> Can you not hear me?
[10:21:16] <Daviey>
[10:21:58] * Daviey suspects there is an issue with his net connection.
[10:21:58] * victorp says hi and sorry to skaet
[10:22:05] <Daviey> Did you see my flood?
[10:22:10] <hggdh> Daviey: you are clear here
[10:22:16] <apw> Daviey, yep all there
[10:22:22] <skaet_> yup Daviey, got it now - just a bit delayed.
[10:22:22] <Daviey> thanks apw
[10:22:50] <Daviey> So, the WI trend is looking above the line.. but many of the items are not release related
[10:23:00] <Daviey> Docs / Wiki / PPA work etc.
[10:24:00] <Daviey> Bug #717166 is one of our importiant release related bugs, and we need upstream help to resolve it
[10:24:02] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 717166 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Natty) "Broken with v4 isc-dhcp-server in Natty" [High,Triaged]
[10:26:07] <skaet_> thanks Daviey. assuming you're .. (done) re: bug, will mark it blocked then in the status. if WI's are in the milestone, and are not really key to it, can you move them out earlier rather than later?
[10:26:58] <Daviey> skaet_, hmm.. well.. yes.. The thing is the complexity points for the WI are skewing the chart.
[10:27:20] <Daviey> They should still be on track to align with A3
[10:27:41] <skaet_> Daviey, ok, lets take it offline, and you can help me understand.
[10:27:53] <Daviey> skaet_, okay, thanks
[10:27:56] <Daviey> any questions?
[10:27:57] <skaet_> any other questions?
[10:28:00] <skaet_> lol
[10:28:03] <Daviey> :)
[10:28:19] <skaet_> [Topic] Ubuntu One Team - joshuahoover
[10:28:32] <joshuahoover> [LINK]
[10:28:37] <joshuahoover> details on where we're at with blueprints and releases are in the link above
[10:28:37] <joshuahoover> updates on items at risk:
[10:28:42] <joshuahoover> 1) u1 shotwell integration is not happening due to a lack of time on our part and late additions of plugin support...i'll be updating blueprint today to reflect this
[10:28:53] <joshuahoover> 2) unity integration (progress indicator) is blocked by libunity bug #709240 - i'll be filing a freeze exception today since we're going to need it once that bug is fixed
[10:28:56] <seb128> hum, did desktop just got skipped?
[10:28:56] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 709240 in libunity "libunity support gobject-introspected languages" [High,Triaged]
[10:29:01] <joshuahoover> 3) u1 music store in banshee & rbox is completely broke right now...we're looking into it
[10:29:11] <joshuahoover> the rest of our new features work for natty is either done or will be released in new packages before next week's freeze
[10:29:16] <joshuahoover> and that's about it
[10:29:17] <joshuahoover> ..
[10:29:35] <skaet_> thanks joshuahoover, re: shotwell, ack and thanks for doing the update now.
[10:29:45] <skaet_> pitti, oops, my bad.
[10:29:54] <seb128> skaet_, no pitti today, he's on holidays
[10:30:01] <seb128> but I will tell him ;-)
[10:30:30] <skaet_> double ooops. thanks seb128. :)
[10:30:34] <seb128> ;-)
[10:30:41] <skaet_> any questions for joshuahoover?
[10:31:10] <skaet_> [Topic] Desktop team update - seb128
[10:31:14] <seb128> hey
[10:31:18] <seb128> [LINK]
[10:31:18] <seb128> [LINK]
[10:31:21] <seb128>
[10:31:22] <seb128> Weekly update:
[10:31:22] <seb128> * Work items on track for entire cycle a bit behind on alpha3 though a lot is DX integration (which we need to wait on), the quickly ones are blocked on landing additional Launchpad API
[10:31:22] <seb128> * libindicator ABI changed and the indicators got rebuilt for the transition, Unity got a new release with quite some bug fixed, systray support is back for limited cases (whitelist)
[10:31:23] <seb128> * the feature work has settled down a bit in profit of bug fixing
[10:31:28] <seb128>
[10:31:29] <seb128> Bugs:
[10:31:30] <seb128> * 681412 Can not enter password for Administrative tasks using Onboard Keyboard (at-spi): Not a regression; asked Luke about some details
[10:31:33] <seb128> * 696527 LibreOffice - Human icons theme disabled, patch needs an update: is being work by Björn
[10:31:35] <seb128> * 705572 [retracer attaching incomplete backtrace]: broken bug reports apparently had a corrupted stack; synthetically triggering crash doesn't invoke Apport at all; unclear how to improve this at the moment
[10:31:38] <seb128> * 710582 webkit crashes on amd64 architecture: Assigned to developer now
[10:31:40] <seb128> * 710796 [hibernate no longer works on natty]: not a bug, more an experiment; currently being discussed
[10:31:45] <seb128> * 711896 Upgrade to Natty fails to install xserver-xorg-core: mvo says the bug is puzzling, no duplicate and only one user commented on the bug, to watch but not really concerning either
[10:31:48] <seb128> * 637827 [Firefox and Thunderbird (XUL) menus dont appear in the menu bar]: Fixed for thunderbird; there is a working implementation for Firefox, rollout is blocked on getting upstream permission
[10:31:51] <seb128>
[10:31:53] <seb128> (that's it)
[10:32:21] <skaet_> thanks seb128. any questions?
[10:32:29] <mvo> 711896> is a bit dubious as dpkg should deal with that automtically (we pass the right options to it)
[10:34:26] <skaet_> mvo, ack.
[10:35:21] <mvo> Sarvatt pointed out that it might just be a really odd inconsitent archive, I will followup in the bug
[10:35:35] <skaet_> thanks. :)
[10:35:44] <skaet_> [Topic] Kubuntu Team update - Riddell
[10:36:26] * skaet_ looks around for Riddell...
[10:36:56] * skaet_ wonders if he has communication feed issues too?
[10:37:19] <skaet_> [Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - njpatel
[10:37:32] <njpatel> Hi!
[10:37:32] <njpatel> [LINK]
[10:37:32] <njpatel> [LINK]
[10:37:32] <njpatel> [LINK]
[10:37:32] <njpatel> [LINK]
[10:37:33] <njpatel> Unity - in Rick's words: We're coming in hot, but we should be good for A3.
[10:37:34] <njpatel> Features wise, there aren't many that are missing, main concern is the panel + launcher a11y landing before A3 so we get testing
[10:37:37] <njpatel> Graphics wise, we're kinda stuck on fixing nvidia/fglrx bugs until new drivers come out, but we're going to try and make sure at least Intel and Radeon are good for A3 so we get testers
[10:37:40] <njpatel> Compiz should be a lot better for everyone, but there are still niggles to fix. We might punt them 'till after A3 (non-criticals) so we can add remaining features
[10:37:43] <njpatel> Foundations wise, all the indicator work is landing in time, both indicator-sound and -datime are gaining features quickly and should be feature complete for A3 (with bugs to fix, of course!)
[10:37:46] <njpatel> dbusmenu has had lots of performance and bug fixing work, as well as a11y work and that should be good for FF
[10:37:49] <njpatel> The two Unity buglists I pointed to still need cutting down to mostly features instead of bugs but everyone knows what they need to do for A3
[10:37:52] <njpatel> bug update:
[10:37:57] <njpatel> 637827 Firefox and Thunderbird (XUL) menus dont appear in the menu bar (firefox): FF done (waiting for ACK from Moz), TB done
[10:37:59] <njpatel> 657771 'Keep in launcher' item missing for some applications (unity): A3 targetted
[10:38:02] <njpatel> 685682 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::IOpenGLSurface::UnlockRect: Driver related (passed to AMD) inprogress
[10:38:04] <njpatel> 689179 Pressing Alt key does not underline mnemonics: A3 targetted
[10:38:07] <njpatel> 692823 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::BaseTexture::GetDeviceTexture: incomplete
[10:38:09] <njpatel> 705347 compiz crashes in add_match_done (dconf)(compiz): fixed (patch in transit)
[10:38:11] <njpatel> 662077 WxWidgetsWxWidgets apps don't have menus (appmenu-gtk): fixed upstream, need to sync
[10:38:13] <njpatel> 690537 Unity app launcher is filled up with doublettes (unity): fixed
[10:38:15] <njpatel> 683065 Menu bar becomes blank periodically: fixed
[10:38:56] <skaet_> ..?
[10:39:19] <njpatel> I'm assuming no messages came through?
[10:39:23] <njpatel> let me try again
[10:39:26] <skaet_> no
[10:39:32] <njpatel> bug update:
[10:39:32] <njpatel> 637827 Firefox and Thunderbird (XUL) menus dont appear in the menu bar (firefox): FF done (waiting for ACK from Moz), TB done
[10:39:32] <njpatel> 657771 'Keep in launcher' item missing for some applications (unity): A3 targetted
[10:39:32] <njpatel> 685682 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in nux::IOpenGLSurface::UnlockRect: Driver related (passed to AMD) inprogress
[10:39:33] <njpatel> 689179 Pressing Alt key does not underline mnemonics: A3 targetted
[10:39:35] <skaet_> they did, just wasn't sure if you were done.....
[10:39:40] <njpatel> ah, sorry
[10:39:45] <skaet_> lol
[10:39:47] <skaet_> no worries
[10:39:52] <njpatel> yeah, not much more to say really :)
[10:40:02] <skaet_> thanks njpatel.
[10:40:23] <skaet_> there are some bugs that are milestoned to A3, that I don't think will get fixed
[10:40:43] <skaet_> can someone take a look at them, and adjust the milestones if that's the case?
[10:40:49] <njpatel> yep, that's the plan
[10:41:01] <njpatel> we cna also move some actual bugs 'till after FF
[10:41:06] <njpatel> and concentrate on the features
[10:41:13] * skaet_ nods
[10:41:39] <njpatel> will try and have it done monday morning, just so it's easier to track (team already knows what they need to do)
[10:41:53] <skaet_> yup. for the bugs that wont be able to be handled after FF, please move the milestones. monday's good. thanks!
[10:42:04] <skaet_> any other questions?
[10:42:52] <skaet_> njpatel, by the way, very very glad to hear compiz is improving. :)
[10:43:02] <njpatel> heh, as are we ;)
[10:43:10] <skaet_> [Topic] ARM team update - ogra
[10:43:19] <ogra> oh, me !
[10:43:25] <skaet_> yup. :)
[10:43:27] <ogra> Status is at:
[10:43:27] <ogra>
[10:43:27] <ogra> ..
[10:43:27] <ogra> Summary:
[10:43:27] <ogra> * 705689 is waiting for a gcc upload, this bug now also affects KDE, QT has a workaround that will be dropped.
[10:43:29] <ogra> * OMAP4 2.6.38 import of the DVI driver patch has started
[10:43:31] <ogra> * SGX GLES driver for natty is available in the TI PPA for OMAP4
[10:43:33] <ogra> * WI work is going well.
[10:43:35] <ogra> * QA work for better bug assignment strategy is still being worked out, tags vs team subscriptions vs team assignment
[10:43:38] <ogra> is being sorted to get some actually meaningful reports using lplib
[10:43:40] <ogra> * Upgrading the bootloaders from cmdline is largely implemented (one WI left)
[10:43:42] <ogra> * Unity-2D is now the default UI on all armel images \o/
[10:43:44] <ogra> upload of final major upstream version will happen during next week before FF
[10:43:46] <ogra> * florence on-screen-keyboard is sitting in revu getting the final touches nefore going into the archive
[10:43:51] <ogra> ..
[10:43:53] <ogra> Image status:
[10:43:55] <ogra> * Current builds are failing due to nux FTBFS which fails due to some non arch independend casting, bug is being inspected
[10:43:58] <ogra> Specs:
[10:44:00] <ogra> Entire status:
[10:44:02] <ogra> Milestone:
[10:44:04] <ogra> ..
[10:44:06] <ogra> Serious Bugs:
[10:44:08] <ogra> bug 705689
[10:44:10] <ogra> ..
[10:44:11] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 705689 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu Natty) "Qt applications crash with segfault error on armel when Qt is built with gcc 4.5 on natty" [High,Confirmed]
[10:44:32] <marjo> ogra: thx for the update on bug assignments work
[10:44:59] <ogra> marjo, yes, i think you are in contact with GrueMaster too, arent you ?
[10:45:06] <marjo> ogra: ack
[10:45:09] <skaet_> thanks ogra. can you include me in the discussion on the better bug assignments, I've got some ideas/preferences... ;)
[10:45:37] <ogra> skaet_, its all in GrueMasters hands, i'll ask him to set up a meeting
[10:45:44] <marjo> ogra: thx
[10:45:57] * skaet_ hoping to get some unification going on, so things get a little saner at the overview.
[10:46:02] <skaet_> thanks ogra
[10:46:23] <ogra> :)
[10:46:31] <skaet_> questions?
[10:46:53] <skaet_> [Topic] MOTU team update - ScottK
[10:47:04] <ScottK> Hello
[10:47:16] <ScottK> Glad to have the python situation resolved.
[10:47:23] <ScottK> Nothing new to report.
[10:47:24] <ScottK> ..
[10:48:04] <skaet_> thanks ScottK.
[10:48:07] <skaet_> any questions?
[10:48:27] <skaet_> [Topic] Linaro update - JamieBennett
[10:48:31] <JamieBennett> \o
[10:48:42] <JamieBennett> So its been a quiet week release wise for Linaro
[10:49:03] <JamieBennett> We gained two new hwpacks so two new supported boards
[10:49:20] <JamieBennett> we do not have much planned for the archive by FF
[10:49:41] <JamieBennett> possibly a new kernel but that will most likely land after FF but it is only used by us
[10:49:48] <JamieBennett> ..
[10:50:27] <skaet_> thanks JamieBennett. any FFE's beyond the kernel, expected?
[10:50:40] <JamieBennett> skaet_: not on my radar atm, no
[10:50:49] <skaet_> ok, thanks.
[10:50:56] <skaet_> any other questions?
[10:51:26] <skaet_> [Topic] Hardware Certification team update - take 2 - victorp
[10:51:57] <victorp> hi
[10:52:01] <victorp> I am here this time
[10:52:05] <skaet_> :)
[10:52:15] <victorp> This week we couldn't test the desktops either, as they are being
[10:52:15] <victorp> installed in the new Lexington lab. We should be able to test them next
[10:52:15] <victorp> week as usual.
[10:52:22] <victorp> We helped apw with the testing and he has now committed a fix for it. We
[10:52:28] <victorp> will be testing this machine again next week to see if it fixes the issue.
[10:52:30] <victorp> There are a couple of systems that are not waking up from sleep:
[10:52:32] <victorp> [LINK]
[10:52:34] <victorp> [LINK]
[10:52:35] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 719474 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP ProBook 6550b - System doesn't resume after suspend" [Undecided,Triaged]
[10:52:36] <victorp> The machines are available for any required testing with upstream
[10:52:38] <victorp> kernels or patches.
[10:52:39] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 719620 in linux (Ubuntu) "Toshiba Tecra A11 - System doesn't resume after suspend" [Undecided,Triaged]
[10:52:42] <victorp> ...
[10:53:09] <skaet_> thanks victorp, for those bugs you just quoted, can you guys fill in the priority for them?
[10:53:29] <victorp> skaet_, ack
[10:53:47] <skaet_> cool. thanks.
[10:53:50] * JFo makes a note
[10:53:57] <skaet_> lol
[10:54:00] <JFo> :)
[10:54:13] <victorp> lol
[10:54:25] <skaet_> any other questions?
[10:54:46] <skaet_> [Topic] any other new business/kudos/comments/questions?
[10:55:26] <skaet_> going once....
[10:55:32] <victorp> boot metrics
[10:55:38] <victorp> discussion happening today
[10:55:40] <victorp> ..
[10:55:46] <skaet_> ahh yes, good topic.
[10:56:08] <skaet_> cool. will summary be produced, or is there something I can join in on?
[10:56:26] <victorp> We will send a summary
[10:56:31] <victorp> (marjo and me)
[10:57:03] <skaet_> excellent. thanks. looking forward to it :)
[10:57:15] <skaet_> anything else?
[10:57:31] <skaet_> #endmeeting
Meeting ended.